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In order to repair magnets following possible failure during the LHC commissioning and/or operation and for the maintenance & consolidation of other accelerator magnets, the AT department considers the implantation on CERN site of “Magnet Rescue Facilities”. Such facilities shall contain all the necessary tools to make it possible the repair/assembly of the different types of magnets that are part of the LHC machine and other accelerators, i.e. the main dipoles, the main quadrupoles, the insertion magnets, the spool pieces, the correctors and the warm magnets. The following questions shall be addressed: what are the basic characters of the magnets concerned? How many spare magnets will be available from the contracts? What are the contractual obligations of the manufacturers in terms of warranty? For how long are we covered? Will the manufacturers keep the tools operational until the end of the warranty period? Do we have the necessary tooling available on CERN site or do we have a plan to recover them from industry? The workshop is intended to collect the information from the different groups involved, i.e. answer to the questions above and define the needs. One shall establish an exhaustive list of the magnets concerned. We will show what are the different scenarios envisaged for the installation on CERN site of Magnet Rescue Facilities, taking into account the availability of the spare magnets, the safety requirements (radioprotection and INB issues) and other possible constraints?