Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Wisconsin Madison (US)), Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN), Petr Vokac (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Topic: WLCG DOMA BDT Meeting

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    • 16:30 16:35
      Hot topics 5m
    • 16:35 16:50
      Tape REST access 15m
      Speaker: Cedric Caffy (CERN)

      RAL Antares (CTA) plans with TAPE REST API

      • LHCb already accessing RAL Antares with WebDAV protocol
        • this protocol currently doesn't provide features for full tape system management
        • as a workaround xroot is currently used to fill this gap
        • sub-optimal multi-hop data transfers through Echo
          • sufficient for expected low 2022 data rates
          • RAL would like to transfer data directly for 2023 full physics run
      • ATLAS & CMS currently use Antares with xroot protocol
        • practical point of view - use common protocol (HTTP-TPC) everywhere
        • these experiments could also benefit from early TAPE REST adoption at RAL

      TAPE REST API timeline

      • CERN Plan: Presentation for CTA+FTS in the attached slides
      • RAL plan
        • have the production endpoint with TAPE REST API by February 2023
        • everything ready for 2023 Run (~ April)
      • Both plans seems to have compatible timeline and looks realistic
      • ATLAS use additional transfer metadata
        • must be passed from Rucio via FTS to TAPE REST API
        • some development necessary in Rucio for ATLAS
        • not used by other experiments
      • Rough ATLAS plan for replacing SRM with TAPE REST
        • winter shutdown 2023/24 seems to be good opportunity to ask T1 for dCache upgrade => TAPE REST support
        • it is technically possible to start with early / active adopters of TAPE REST sooner (e.g. with RAL)
          • sites can be moved one by one once they become ready


      • FTS will provide the tests to validate the REST API for the different endpoints.
      • We (as BDT team) need to encourage the endpoints to join and complete the matrix.
      • we would like to have
        • CERN devel CTA - already deployed
        • FNAL dCache with their implementation
        • RAL will also provide testbed because they are planning to be early adopters
      • added TAPE REST API twiki page to document details

      (Experiment) validation

      • FTS is the service implementing the tests for validation.
      • BDT will follow up the experiment validation.


      • lightweigh - no changes in file transfers, just different call to bring file online
      • REST API functionality tested by developers
      • FTS functionality / Dirac direct interaction with TAPE endpoints validated together with experiments
    • 16:50 17:05
      Token Authorization testbed 15m
      Speaker: Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)

      JWT Compliance testbed

      • added prague dCache 7.2.x and XRootD 5.4.x version
      • plan to improve existing documentation for WLCG JWT tokens
        • allow more sites to start with WLCG JWT tokens
      • describe minimal versions usable for HTTP / xroot transfers with tokens
        • XRootD - correct storage.create:/ support should come in 5.5
        • dCache
          • 7.2 provides separate OIDC and SCITOKEN plugin
            • WLCG JWT tokens supported by SCITOKEN plugin
            • sufficient support for our tokens
          • 8.2 provides more generic OIDC that can be used instead of SCITOKEN plugin
            • SCITOKEN plugin will be still available / supported for next ~ 2-3 years
            • very small changes required while moving from SCITOKEN plugin to OIDC
          • 8.2 xroot comes with Multiple authentication protocol chaining
            • looks like a useful feature for X.509 to tokens transition with xroot protocol
      • we should start to advertise well in advance storage updates required for tokens
        • during data taking preferred windows for updates are winter shutdowns
        • dCache - sites could still use 7.2 with just configuration update
          • we should provide carrot
            • 8.2 can use improved OIDC plugin => different future proof configuration
            • 8.2 provides better support for xroot with tokens
          • we have to come with recommended OIDC identity mapping
            • compatible with concurrent X.509 usage(?)
    • 17:05 17:20
      Packet marking 15m
      Speakers: Marian Babik (CERN), Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
    • 17:20 17:30
      AOB 10m

      HTTP-TPC extensions (e.g. status code propagation, packet marking headers, ...)

      • there are multiple reasonable requests to extend / improve HTTP-TPC standard
      • WLCG is not the only user of HTTP-TPC
      • form standardization committee that maintain this HTTP-TPC standard
        • transparent standardization process
        • clear way also for other communities to participate
      • next BDT meeting - come with proposal how to organize such committee