NorduCLIC board meeting

Telephone (CERN)



Minutes of Meeting : NorduCLIC board meeting, January 18, 2011





TBTS: Two-beam Test Stand

12TS: 12 GHz Stand Alone Test Stand

TBM: Two-beam Module





Draft Agenda

1. Attendance of the meeting

2. Approval of agenda

3. Minutes of the last meeting

4. Reports from the four national NorduCLIC groups on the bilateral discussions held with their respective CERN Council Delegates. See enclosed email with two attachments that was sent to the Nordic CERN Council delegates 2010-12-05

5. Discussion on, and planning for, the common meeting with all Nordic CERN Delegates in connection with the Council Meeting i March 2011.

6. Report on progress on CTF3 work since the date of the last Board meeting (2010-11-29)

7. Date of next meeting

8. Any other business



1. Attendance of the meeting

Present :


Tord Ekelöf (TE)

Volker Ziemann (VZ)

Kenneth Österberg  (KO)

Flyura Djurabekova (FD)

Kaj Nordlund (KN) 

Erik Adli (EA)

Kyrre Næss (KN) 


Partial attendance :


Steinar Stapnes (SS)


Absent :


Roger Ruber (RR)

Søren Pape Møller (SM)

Ulrik I. Uggerhøj (UU)

Jakob Esberg (JE)

Ole Røhne  (OR)



2. Approval of agenda





3. Minutes of last meeting


TE: comments on last minutes, could use less spaces between lines.  EA: agrees.   Else: Approved.


3b: Recap on last meeting by TE.  Idea: to have some kind of Nordic institution for CLIC.  Ambitions goal: something similar to NORDITA, slightly less ambitious: something similar to Nordic data Grid.   Around Christmas this was to be discussed informally with Council Delegates.



4. Reports from the four national NorduCLIC groups on the bilateral discussions held with their respective CERN Council Delegates. See enclosed email with two attachments that was sent to the Nordic CERN Council delegates 2010-12-05


Finland, Sweden and Norway have all been in touch with delegates since last time.



TE reports: asked whether the delegates would accept a common meeting in March; answer yes.  Fishing for extra money: delegates indicate that money should come from existing sources; Research Council (+ eventually Universities), not from ministry. 

KE: question, who channels the Nordic datagrid facility money in Sweden?  TE:  5 MSEK, from Swedish Research Council.   Then comes hardware investments in local computer centers; whose applications for funding are also channeled to Swedish Research Council.



KE: Discussions with delegates (including Riska).  Response was not very positive; they considered them a bit utopian.  Could be related to a desire to first push for funding for LHC upgrade? Must also get University of Jyväskylä active our work (hey have shown little interest so far).  KE: will continue discussions.  KN: Was at Jyväskylä some weeks ago, and observed that very few knew about CLIC (!), but people were interested in the subject. TE: suggests that some of us go to Jyväskylä to present our projects and plans.  KE: traditionally most interested in Nuclear physics (FAIR, ISOLDE).  KE: is there a Swedish contribution to FAIR?  VZ: contribution to FAIR, pellet target, including some work on Cooling Ring.  KE: also Finland has collaboration towards FAIR, so this could be an incentive for Jyväskylä .



SS: Talked to the two delegates.  Discussed, but not at length because of heavy agendas.  Nordic collaboration regarded as positive, but SS have some doubts whether it will create new Norwegian funding. There will be some support for accelerator physics in the next CERN period 2012-> but how much will be a battle with LHC and LHC upgrade.  Potentially a new post may open in this period for accelerator physics.  SS: in Norway important to establish a tradition for supporting accelerator activities.



(no one from Denmark present)

TE general comments: Two groups, represented by SM and UU.  UU already has a CLIC activity (beam-beam physics), and is member of Tiara.  Denmark heavily involved in ESS, but focuses on computer center.  TE has the impression in general Denmark delegates are positive to Nordic collaborations. 



5. Discussion on, and planning for, the common meeting with all Nordic CERN Delegates in connection with the Council Meeting i March 2011.


TE: seems like no Nordic delegates are negative to a common meeting in March.  Should we go ahead with a common meeting in March?   SS: yes, a good idea, but we should for the moment not be too formal and too specific in our requests.  Should focus on the fact that Accelerator R&D is the core business of CERN (more than before), and more focus on collaboration on Accelerator R&D. In order to participate for real, Nordic Cooperation is of large importance.  KE: good idea with meeting, and we should show examples of our already common work.  KN: agree, important to make visible our Nordic and international collaboration.


TE: must decide form of meeting in March.  Will be challenge to get all at the same time.  Time to be suggested: Wednesday, March 16, 17-1830, Sal B.


VZ: maybe one representative per country is best, to keep the meeting focused? ALL: general agreement on this.


TE: agenda?  First outline:

- short introduction (5 min), accelerator R&D, collaborations

   - focus on Nordic contributions to good CLIC/CTF3 achievements

   - something about Tiara

   - ESS/FAIR mentioned only briefly

- quick around the table (5 min each, ~3 slides)

   - details about the Finnish industrial collaboration efforts 


TE: rest of agenda after this? SS: keep the agenda simple; ask for input from delegates.

TE: offers to summarize the themes for the four speakers.

TE: will contact delegates with dates.

SS: Sal B is now booked March 16, 17-19.


6. Report on progress on CTF3 work since the date of the last Board meeting 



7. Date of next meeting


Wednesday, February 23, 2010, 9h-11h.

SS: will book meeting room.


8. Any other business



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    • 10:00 12:00