This project (started in October 2021) plans to train next generation workforce in data science for energy industry, ranging from traditional oil and gas energy to renewable energy and energy transition. We are a team of five universities in the greater Houston region: University of Houston (UH) as the leading institution with UH-downtown, UH-Victoria, UH-clear lake, and Sam Houston State University. Each year, the program trains a cohort of 40 students with diverse background in undergraduate or Master program from the five participating universities and beyond, through a year long program. The program consists of a 5 weeks summer camp (on various topics on statistics, data science fundamental, geophysics, energy policy, computer science and engineering) and a semester long research team projects on data provided by industry partners. At the end of the program, students will do summer internship at various industry and also some of them will work as junior scholar for our program to help with the next cohort. We just finished a summer camp for cohort 1 successfully in summer 2022. This project has created opportunities for collaborations across participating universities in teaching as well as research.