Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Desgin

27 Oct 2022, 10:10


Eric Toberer (Colorado School of Mines)Prof. Jane Greenberg (Drexel U.)Prof. Steven Lopez (Northeastern)


The NSF Institute for Data-Driven Dynamical Design (ID4) aims to transform how scientists and engineers harness data when designing materials and structures. From chemistry to civil engineering, we seek to create platforms that accelerate the discovery of new mechanisms and dynamics through the complementary union of human and machine intelligence. Cross-cutting these efforts are efforts to understand, predict, and control transition state pathways and collective dynamics. Throughout these activities we are committed to training the next generation and engaging with the broader data-driven community.


Eric Toberer (Colorado School of Mines)


Prof. Jane Greenberg (Drexel U.) Prof. Steven Lopez (Northeastern)

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