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Weekly Reports : https://codimd.web.cern.ch/qi5q-lCCRTmSHCjBwP6glw?both
Weekly Planning : https://teamup.com/ksvh7dak8mub8k7xpe
Please fill in the weekly reports before or during the meeting and update the team calendar !
Weekly Reports : https://codimd.web.cern.ch/qi5q-lCCRTmSHCjBwP6glw?both
Weekly Planning : https://teamup.com/ksvh7dak8mub8k7xpe
SPS Status : https://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/Vistar/vistars.php?usr=SPS1
SPS Planning : https://ps-sps-coordination.web.cern.ch/ps-sps-coordination/
Preparation and Scheduling of Muon Beam Time 2022
Link to SPS Schedule
Highlights from the 0.5 beam schedule :
Week 17 : 25.04 - 03.05. First 9 days - GIF alone 9d
Week 18 : 04.05 - 10.05 Additional Beam Time GIF Alone 7d
Week 20 : 18.05 - 24.05 RD51 beam time (GIF parasitic) 7d
Week 21 : 25.05 - 31.05 GIF/RD51 shared beam time 7d
Week 22 : 01.06 - 07.06 GIF beam time (RD51 parasitic) 7d
Week 28/29 : 13.07 - 26.07 GIF/RD51 shared beam time 14d
Week 42/43 : 19.10 - 01.11 GIF/RD51 shared beam time 14d
GIF : 3 weeks (+2d) exclusive
5 weeks shared with RD51
1 week parasitic option
Requests received for next year :
ATL - NSW MM : 3 x 1 Week
ATL - NSW sTGC : 3 x 1 Week
ATL - RPC : 3 x 2 Weeks
ATL - sMDT : 4 x 2 Weeks
CMS - CSC : 3 x 2 Weeks
CMS - DT : 2 x 2 Weeks
CMS - GEM : 2 x 2 Weeks
CMS - RPC : 4 x 2 Weeks
EP-DT-2 3 x 2 Weeks
RPC Ecogas : 2 x 2 Weeks
ProTov-RPC : 2 x 2 Weeks
RE21/CBM : 1 x 2 Weeks
introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs
Gas usage at GIF : we need to compile a table of gas mixture / consumption
Gas training courses : ATEX level 1 and F-Gas training courses.
List of trained people to be collected.
Improvements needed or planned for the facility.
AUL Test and electrical safety inspection:
Few minor issues were found. To be closed when recommendations are implemented.
Temporary solution http://epdtdi-pytimber-gifpp.cern.ch:8080/app only accessible through the CERN GPN.
Original site ( https://epdtdi-pytimber.web.cern.ch/app/gifpp ) stays deployed for the DIP/DIM live values, also accessible from outside through SSO.
GIF Logbook & elog :
Discussion ongoing. Not yet all needed features are implemented.
Not for this beam time.
Monitoring of primary lines to be done. This year we will have the monitoring of the neutral gas (Ar/CO2/Helium/N2), instead next year it will be done also for the other (iC4H10, R134a, SF6, CF4 etc.). This signals will be then available in PVSS.
On going discussion for main HFO gas supply line
EN-CV: New cooling line installed and operational in the preparation area.
GIFCS-Pytimber app issue still under investigation
iC4H10 temporary line operational
-> issue due to the power cut and AUG test solved (plot attached)
Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests
List of active IMPACT declarations : https://impact.cern.ch/impact/secure/activities/accessPoint/YDAP-PPE154
General Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.
Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
Attached documents : CAD file or picture.
Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes).
CoVid-19 Risk Assessment for the Facility : https://edms.cern.ch/document/2376286/1
General guideline :
Please include Francois Grenouilleau (164738) in all the EDH request related to transport.
- https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal?id=service_element&name=gas-support-delivery-service
Please be careful with the gas CLASS when you do an order. (please check the document here attached)