CTA Dev Meeting

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
    • 3:00 PM 3:10 PM
      CTA Release Workflow 10m
    • 3:10 PM 3:20 PM
      CTA Catalogue Schema 10m

      Schema - v11

      • Milestones link
      • Schema-only release.
      • Release date: Next week TBD - Ready to be tested and released
    • 3:20 PM 3:30 PM
      CTA Release Roadmap 10m

      See CTA Release Roadmap

      Release 4.7.6-1

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: 24/06/2022
      • Pre-prod deployment date: 24/06/2022
      • Prod deployment date: Next week TBD

      Release 4.7.7-1 - Catalogue v11

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: Next week TBD
      • Pre-prod deployment date: Next week TBD
      • Prod deployment date: Next week TBD
      • Catalogue v11.0 upgrade

      Future releases (4.7.x)


      Public Release

      Future version 4.7.8 should include CTA support for multiple label formats. This is being worked on by Jorge.

      For public release:

      • Docs are not a blocker for release
      • Jorge will work on a meta package dependency that only installs cern oracle packages when oracle is configured.
      • As a long term solution (not for the 1st public release) we want to be able to build CTA without any Oracle dependencies: #1264
    • 3:30 PM 3:40 PM
      Collaborations 10m

      CTA read support for non-native tape formats (OSM/dCache and Enstore)

      • Project roadmap: #1239 Add support to CTA for multiple tape label formats.
      • [Jorge - CTA team]: Refactor tape backend code, to allow new label formats to be implemented (#1257, ...)

      cta-frontend-grpc integration for CTA

      • Project roadmap: #1236 Integrate cta-frontend-grpc into CTA repo and RPMs
      • [Michael - CTA team]: CTA Frontend protobuf changes to support dCache (#1240, #1244)
      • [Jacek - dCache]: Experimenting with streaming with gRPC (required for CTA admin client).

      CTA support for multiple label formats:

      • Will be included in release v4.7.8
      • ETA in about 2 weeks
    • 3:40 PM 3:50 PM
      CTA dev topics 10m

      File verification and disk instance spaces

      • [Miguel/Vlado]: Project status overview. Any issues in deployments? Any remaining tasks before closing issues?

      PostgreSQL scheduler DB

      • [David]: Project status overview.
      • [Jorge]: Will support David in setting up the CI testing stages.

      REPACKING tape state and queue cleanup

      • [Joao]: Project status overview.

      Tape drive states

      • [Vova]: Project status overview.

      Move subdirectories from CTA dev repo into new repos

      • [Richard]: Project status overview.
      • [All]: All developers should try the workflow proposed by Richard by the end of next week. We will decide the next steps after this (check #1182)
      • [Fons]: SonarCloud usage for static code analysis.

      For discussion - Remove setDriveStatus() from OStoreDB

      • [Vova]: Short presentation of problem and discussion (#1242)

      Other "needs discussion" topics

      Disk reservation:

      • According to Julien, all is working fine. We can close any hanging issues. No further work should be required.


      • Richard will take over the remaining operation tasks: unite with the repacking workflow, flip the switch and setup the monitoring.

      PostgreSQL scheduler DB:

      • Jorge will work with David on the CI part.
      • It should have the option "Allowed to fail" (exclamation point) in the CI.

      Tape drive states:

      • Only one task remaining. The ticket #1000 will be closed, and Vova will create a new one for the remaining part.


      • Will be configured in the gitlab CI by Fons, after we finish the migration to the new CTA repo.
      • Everyone should check the link provided by Fons, and see how if works.
      • Michael will check with the CERN cloud licensing office if there are any issues in using Sonarcloud. In principle, in can be used for free with opensource projects, which include CTA.

      Remove setDriveStatus() from OStoreDB:

      • These changes were discussed with the team, and noted by Vova. They should have a release of their own.
    • 3:50 PM 4:00 PM
      AOB 10m

      Meeting Rooms

      • Room 513/R-068 is booked every week, until the EOY, for the CTA dev meeting.


      • Q (Jacek): If dCache ops want to make a dev request to CTA team, how should they proceed:
      • R (Michael): The best way is to open a request issue to the CTA team, as soon as possible. This will be analysed by the CTA team, which will come with a decision and/or a proposal.

      Richard - git 2.22 and git repo migration:

      • Required by the Git repo migration tools being tested.
      • These release versions can be obtained through the LCG releases, as explained on issue #1182 by Richard.

      Julien - tape REST API:

      • FTS team will have a Gfal REST API test suite.
      • Julien will reuse it in the CTA CI, and keep an eye on any related developments done by the FTS team.