14–15 Dec 2022
Auditorium, Banque de France
Europe/Zurich timezone
Conference organised by the Banque de France and Institut Louis Bachelier

The Green Finance Research Advances is an International Research Conference for academics and professionals, co-organized by Banque de France and the Institut Louis Bachelier, with the participation of Finance for Tomorrow and the Institute for Climate Economics-I4CE.

We invite academics, regulators and professionals to submit research papers for the 7th edition of the conference, which will take place in Paris and online on December 14-15, 2022.

The objective of the conference is to bring together academics, finance practitioners and regulators, to discuss together research issues related to the integration of climate risks (more generally environmental issues) into macro-economic modelling/forecasting and into the risk assessment of the financial sector.

While climate risks have much longer time horizons than traditional financial risks and cannot be dealt with without a clear understanding of long-term phenomena governing the joint evolution of climate and the economy, the short and medium-term aspects of energy transition are crucial for an orderly transition and are perhaps less well studied in the economic literature. This upcoming 7th Green Finance Research Advances therefore aims to highlight the short and medium-term climate risks and obstacles to energy transition and the role of central banks in addressing them.  

Consult the call for papers open for this edition.


To discover the conference programme and register for the event, click here


Useful links:


Contact persons:

  • For scientific questions: Peter Tankov (peter.tankov@institutlouisbachelier.org) and Thomas Allen (thomas.allen@banque-france.fr)
  • For practical questions about the call: Pierre Lavigne (pierre.lavigne@institutlouisbachelier.org)
Auditorium, Banque de France
31 Rue Croix des Petits Champs, 75001 Paris