20–25 Jun 2011
Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Europe/Istanbul timezone

The dynamic of diffractive structure functions at high energies

21 Jun 2011, 15:00
Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dogus University, Acibadem, Kadikoy, 34722, Istanbul, Turkey
Particle Factories, Accelerator Physics and future TeV scale colliders Contributed Talks


Sara Taheri Monfared (Semnan University)


We describe the most recent H1 and ZEUS diffractive DIS data obtained by various methods with very large uncertainties associated with the treatment of proton dissociation processes and compare them in detail. We consider pomeron as an object with parton distribution function, evolving according to the DGLAP equations. the gluon distributions are found to be quite different for methods of H1 and ZEUS. We perform a global analysis and achieve a very good description of all available measurements. Our results for longitudinal diffractive structure function are in good agreement with recently measured longitudinal structure function data points.

Primary author

Sara Taheri Monfared (Semnan University)

Presentation materials