20–25 Jun 2011
Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Measurements of forward energy flow and forward jet production with CMS

24 Jun 2011, 15:00
Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dogus University, Acibadem, Kadikoy, 34722, Istanbul, Turkey
LHC Physics and Tevatron Results Contributed Talks


Deniz Sunar Cerci


We present measurements of the forward (3 < |eta| < 5) energy flow in minimum bias events and in events with either hard jets or W and Z bosons produced at central rapidities, as well as measurements of the inclusive forward jet cross section and of associated production of forward and central jets. Results are compared to MC models with different parameter tunes for the description of the underlying event and to perturbative QCD calculations, the PYTHIA and HERWIG parton shower event generators, as well as to the CASCADE Monte Carlo

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