18–23 Sept 2011
Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
3rd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress - 3rd-INCC

Activation cross-sections for proton-induced reactions on natural Nd

19 Sept 2011, 09:45
Paladini (Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy)


Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy

oral presentation Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry Session 1


Dr Ondrej Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, p.r.i.)


Cross-section data on proton-induced reactions on natural neodymium are almost entirely missing. The data are of interest for testing predictivity of the nuclear reaction model codes, some of the activation products might have potential in nuclear medicine application, and last, but not least, rate of production of the longer-lived radionuclides is needed for estimating possible disturbing effects and increase of the background during neutrinoless double beta decay experiments like SNO+. We have, therefore, measured cross-sections for formation of 141Pm, 143Pm, 144Pm, 146Pm, 148Pm, 148mPm, 149Pm, 150Pm, 140Nd, 141Nd, 147Nd, 149Nd, 138mPr, 139Pr, 142Pr and 139Ce by 10–30 MeV protons. Several stacks of metal foil targets of natural isotopic abundance protected against oxidation were irradiated on the external proton beam of the cyclotron U-120M at the Nuclear Physics Institute at Řež. Special attention was paid to the excitation functions of the long-lived radionuclides. The measured data were compared with results of the TENDL code and the thick target yields for the relevant radionuclides were calculated.


Dr Ondrej Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, p.r.i.)


Mr Jan Stursa (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, p.r.i.) Prof. Kai Zuber (Technical University Dresden) Mr Philipp Schrock (Technical University Dresden) Dr Valentina Lozza (Technical University Dresden)

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