
from Sunday 18 September 2011 (08:00) to Friday 23 September 2011 (18:00)
Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
18 Sept 2011
19 Sept 2011
20 Sept 2011
21 Sept 2011
22 Sept 2011
23 Sept 2011
Session 1 (until 10:30) (Paladini)
08:30 National and regional capacity building for medical radioisotope production: role of the IAEA - Adriano Duatti (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA))   (Paladini)
08:50 Production of Medical Radionuclides in Russia: status and future - Boris Zhuikov (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences)   (Paladini)
09:10 Development of a fast radiochemical method for the Tc-99m production by Neutron Activation and its cost analysis - Dr Andrea Salvini (Università di Pavia)   (Paladini)
09:30 Separation of no-carrier-added ruthenium from C-12 irradiated natural yttrium target by aqueous biphasic extraction - Dr Moumita Maiti (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Paladini)
09:45 Activation cross-sections for proton-induced reactions on natural Nd - Dr Ondrej Lebeda (Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, p.r.i.)   (Paladini)
10:00 Evaporation residue cross section in 28Si+75As at Elab=6.6 MeV/nucleon - Amit Kumar (Radiochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)   (Paladini)
10:15 Investigation of the variance of fission product mass distribution in 20Ne + 232Th reaction - Suparna Sodaye (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)   (Paladini)
10:30 --- coffee break ---
Session 2 (until 13:05) (Paladini)
11:00 Molten salt reactor for waste transmutation: fuel cycles and recycle chemisty - Prof. Victor Ignatiev (NRC "Kurchatov Institute") Dr Olga Feynberg (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")   (Paladini)
11:20 New separation methods for production of light stable isotopes for use in nuclear technology - Mr Dag Eriksen (Primus.inter.pares AS, Norway)   (Paladini)
11:35 Computational electrochemo-fluid dynamics modeling in a uranium electrowinning cell - Dr K. R. Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)   (Paladini)
11:50 New bitopic molecules for Group Actinides Extraction - Ms Julia Bisson (CEA-Marcoule, France)   (Paladini)
12:05 Opportunity of using protective coatings for radioactive waste immobilization - Dr Yury Pokhitonov (Khlopin Radium Institute)   (Paladini)
12:20 Heterocyclic acids diamides as extractants for actinides extraction and separation - Dr Mikhail Alyapyshev (Khlopin Radium Institute)   (Paladini)
12:35 Processing of UV-Vis spectroscopy data by chemometric tools as a perspective way for online monitoring of SNF reprocessing - Dr Vasiliy Babain (Khlopin Radium Institute) Dr Dmitry Kirsanov (StPetersburg University)   (Paladini)
12:50 Neutron capture cross-section measurements of Th-232 using activation technique - Mr Paresh Prajapati (The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India-390002)   (Paladini)
Session 5 (until 10:40) (Paladini)
08:30 Half-lives of Pu isotopes - Prof. Suresh Aggarwal (Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI))   (Paladini)
08:50 Half-lives of nuclides for geological use: 2011 evaluations for U-235 and U-234 - Prof. Igor Villa (Institut für Geologie, Universität Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland; Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche e Geotecnologie, Università di Milano Bicocca, I-20126 Milano, Italy)   (Paladini)
09:10 Radioecology around a closed uranium mine - Dr Borut Smodiš (Jožef Stefan Institute)   (Paladini)
09:25 Uranium isotopes as a tracer of groundwater transport studies - Mr Paweł Grabowski (Technical University of Lodz, Department of Chemistry, Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry)   (Paladini)
09:40 U-238 in sediments of the Kastela Bay, Adriatic Sea (Croatia) - Dr Ivanka Lovrencic Mikelic (Rudjer Boskovic Institute)   (Paladini)
09:55 Plutonium speciation during sorption on natural clay - Prof. Tobias Reich (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)   (Paladini)
10:10 A system for radwaste storage real-time monitoring: lab and real tests - Dr Paolo Finocchiaro (INFN)   (Paladini)
10:25 Principle and procedure for the baseline radiation risk assesment to the non human biota of tropical ecosystem: an elaborative approach at Domiasiat, India - Kumar Niranjan (North-Eastern HilL University Shillong Meghalaya)   (Paladini)
10:40 --- coffee break ---
Session 6 (until 11:40) (Paladini)
11:00 Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in Japan: its probable influences on the nuclear educational programs and global learnings about this catastrophe - Prof. Turan Ünak (INCS)   (Paladini)
11:20 Physics dissemination through measurements of in-door radon - Prof. Giuseppina Immè (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia- Università di Catania, INFN Sezione di Catania)   (Paladini)
Session 7 (until 13:00) (Paladini)
11:40 Highlights of the 2010 Topical Meeting on Isotopes for Medicine and Industry - Dr Rolf Zeisler (NIST)   (Paladini)
12:00 In vivo biodistribution of I-131 labeled bleomycin (BLM) and isomers (A2 and B2) on experimental animal models - Dr Ugur Avcibasi (1)   (Paladini)
12:15 Attempts to develop new synthesizing methods of 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose radiolabelled with fluorine-18 (18F-FDG) - Mrs Gülcan Ünak (Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry)   (Paladini)
12:30 Radiopharmacological studies: interaction of antidepressant fluoxetine with thyroid hormones metabolism - Dr Stanislav Pavelka (1Department of Radiometry, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague and 2Central-European Technology Institute, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
Session 8 (until 10:30) (Paladini)
08:30 Lead radioisotopes in the lower atmosphere associated with natural aerosols - Constantin Papastefanou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory)   (Paladini)
08:50 Marine sediments as a radioactive pollution repository in the world - Dr Manuel Navarrete (National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
09:10 Correlation between the particle size distribution of radioactive aerozols and their half-lives derived from measurement of radioactive aerosols at a 120-GeV proton target station - Dr Shun Sekimoto (Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI))   (Paladini)
09:25 Helium release from aged palladium tritide - Mr Zhi Zhang (China Academy of Engineering Physics)   (Paladini)
09:40 Study of bioaccumulation and effect biomarker in mussels Perna perna (LINNAEUS, 1758: mollusca, bivalvia) from coastal regions of São Paulo State, Brazil - Dr Marina B. Agostini Vasconcellos (IPEN - CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
09:55 Validation of γ spectrometry technique to determine potassium in foodstuufs - Trinidad Martinez (National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
10:10 Fulvic acids, fertilizers first and then stimulants of vital functions in vertebrates - Dr Manuel Navarrete (Faculty of Chemistry, National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
10:30 --- coffee break ---
Session 9 (until 13:30) (Paladini)
11:00 Ultra low-level radionuclide analysis - Prof. Pavel Povinec (Comenius University of Bratislava)   (Paladini)
11:20 Characterization of REE from NE Portugal using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis - Dr Maria do Carmo Freitas (Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear)   (Paladini)
11:35 Application of the model of Cs-137 vertical migration for the assessment of sedimentation rates along the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo State, Brazil - Paulo Ferreira (University of São Paulo)   (Paladini)
11:50 Activity size distribution of radioactive Be-7 aerosols at different environments in Northern Italy - Prof. ALEXANDRA IOANNIDOU (ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, Physics Department, Nuclear Phys. and Elementary Particle Phys. Division)   (Paladini)
12:05 Chemical composition of marine sediments in the Pacific Sea from Sinaloa to Jalisco in Mexico - Prof. Trinidad Martinez (National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
12:20 Chemical fractionation of radionuclides in submerged plants and sediments of the Yenisei River - Prof. Alexander Bolsunovsky (Institute of Biophysics SB Russian Academy of Sciences)   (Paladini)
12:35 Micro-XRF and micro-EXAFS investigations of radionuclide sorption in Boda Siltstone Formation - Dr Szabina Torok (KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute)   (Paladini)
12:50 Traces of Fukushima accident in Southern Poland. - Mr Kamil Brudecki (The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,)   (Paladini)
13:05 The dynamics of radioactive aerosols in the atmosphere of Moscow by the "Fukushima" nuclear power plant accident. - Dr Sergey Gordeev (Scientific and Industrial Association "Radon")   (Paladini)
Session 10 (until 10:30) (Paladini)
08:30 Revisiting the ultimate condition for applicability of k0-NAA: the constancy of neutron flux parameters during irradiation - Dr Frans De Corte ((em.) UGent and FWO-VL, Neerstraat 20, B-9921 Vinderhoute, Belgium)   (Paladini)
08:50 The half-lives of Y-90m and Ru-97 - Dr Richard Lindstrom (National Institute of Standards and Technology)   (Paladini)
09:10 Conversion of I2 in ionic forms on the composite materials "Fizkhimin"TM in water coolant at nuclear power plants - Prof. Sergey Kulyukhin (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS)   (Paladini)
09:25 2-Secure facilities for Egyptian Nuclear weapons - Prof. Prof.Dr.Mr.Ashraf Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed (Institute for Nuclear Materials)   (Paladini)
09:40 Selective reduction of actinyl ions based on electrocatalysis using platinized glassy carbon fiber column electrode - Dr Yoshihiro Kitatsuji (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)   (Paladini)
09:55 Behavior of thorium on poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) grafted with citric acid prepared using gamma radiation - Dr Oussama Alhassanieh (Atomic Energy Commission of Syria AECS)   (Paladini)
10:10 Chemiluminescence of luminol - sodium hydroxide system using hemin as catalyst - Dr Neeta Lala (Universiti Malaysia Pahang)   (Paladini)
10:30 --- coffee break ---
Session 11 (until 13:00) (Paladini)
11:00 Automated and rapid determination of radionculides for emergency analysis, radioecology investigation and characterization of decommissioning waste - Prof. Xiaolin Hou (Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark)   (Paladini)
11:20 Multi-dimensional chromatographic separations of actinides - Prof. Dominic Lariviere (Université Laval)   (Paladini)
11:35 Optimization of Sequential Separation of U, Th, Pb, and lanthanides for ultra-trace analysis - Dr Yutaka MIYAMOTO (JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency))   (Paladini)
11:50 Detection of ultratrace amounts of Np-237 with resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) - Mr Nils Stoebener (University of Mainz - Institute of Nuclear Chemistry)   (Paladini)
12:20 Radiological study of transport and processing of naturally occurring radioactive materials. - Wouter Schroeyers (CMK (UHasselt) and NuTeC (XIOS Hogeschool Limburg))   (Paladini)
Session 13 (until 10:30) (Paldini)
08:30 Radiation protection relevant to Nuclear Chemistry in the light of recent International Recommendations - Dr Jozef Sabol (Czech Technical University, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering)   (Paldini)
08:50 TENORM accumulation and management in refineries - Dr Enrico Rizzio (eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division)   (Paldini)
09:05 Decontamination of radioactive concrete in nuclear facilities by chemical separation method. - Mr Yuichi Tanimoto (Shimizu Corporation) Dr Shun Sekimoto (Kyoto University)   (Paldini)
09:20 Assessment of dose to the Irish population arising from anthropogenic radioactivity in the Irish marine environment - Mr Kevin Kelleher (Radiological Protection Instiute of Ireland)   (Paldini)
09:35 Measurements of the spatial distribution of each dose component in tissue exposed to an epithermal neutron beam for BNCT - Prof. Grazia Gambarini (Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN, Milano, Italy)   (Paldini)
10:30 --- coffee break ---
Session 14 (until 13:00) (Paladini)
11:00 Simultaneous speciation analysis of arsenic, antimony and selenium in natural waters by HPLC, SPE and solvent extraction coupled to neutron activation - Prof. Amares Chatt (SLOWPOKE-2 Facility, Trace Analysis Research Centre, Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, B3H 4J3, Canada)   (Paladini)
11:20 The present role of radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) for determination of essential and toxic trace elements in biological materials as–compared with ICP-MS and AAS - Prof. Jan Kucera (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Rez, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
11:40 Ultra sensitive measurements of Th-232 in copper by RNAA - Dr Massimiliano Clemenza (Università di Milano Bicocca) Dr Andrea Salvini (Università di Pavia)   (Paladini)
11:55 Total and bioaccessible fractions of trace elements in cultivated oyster tissues by INAA, PIXE and ICP-MS - Dr Michiko Fukushima (Ishinomaki Senshu University)   (Paladini)
12:10 Determination of Tc-99 in seaweed sample by ICP-MS - Keliang Shi (Risø National Lab for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark) Xiaolin Hou (Risø National Lab for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark)   (Paladini)
12:25 A nuclear measurement technique for comparison of the washing machine detergent qualities used on the market - Mrs Selen Ekim (Ege University)   (Paladini)
Reception (until 17:30) ()
Opening Cerimony (until 19:30) ()
Welcome Party (until 20:30) ()
13:05 --- Lunch ---
Session 3 (until 15:30) (Paladini)
14:30 Nanotoxicology research:a great opportunity for the radionanoanalytical chemist - Enrico Sabbioni (Veneto Nanotech)   (Paladini)
14:50 Synthesis of molybdenum nanoparticle by in situ γ radiation - Susanta Lahiri (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Paladini)
15:10 Radioanalytical methods: tools in studies of thyrotoxic effects of excessive bromide and perchlorate ions - Dr Stanislav Pavelka (Institute of Physiology, ASCR, Prague/Central-European Technology Institute, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
15:30 --- coffee break ---
Session 4 (until 17:30) (Paladini)
16:00 Assessment of actinides contamination in environmental and reactor structural samples by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry - Prof. Filippo Terrasi (2nd University of Naples)   (Paladini)
16:20 Tritium measurements in water springs on Mt. Etna Volcano - Dr Roberto Catalano (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia -Università degli studi di Catania,INFN sezione di Catania)   (Paladini)
16:35 Determination of the isotopic ratio U-236/U-238 in environmental samples - Gabriele Wallner (University of Vienna)   (Paladini)
Poster Section 1 (until 19:00) (Paladini)
17:30 A sequential procedure for determing Pu-238, Pu-(239+240), Am-241, Sr-90 activities in human bones obtained from joint replacement surgery - Mrs Ewa Tomankiewicz (Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAS, Radzikowskiego 152,31-342 Kraków, Poland)   (Paladini)
17:30 Aging effects on kinetic properties in palladium–tritium system during tritium storage - Mr Jie Du (China Academy of Engineering and Physics) Mr Zhi Zhang (China Academy of Engineering and Physics)   (Paladini)
17:30 Application of the CL resin to the separation and determination of Cl-36 and I-129 in environmental and decommissioning samples - Dr Aude Bombard (TrisKem International - FRANCE)   (Paladini)
17:30 Baseline background radiation dose and risk assessment study due to natural radionuclides in the edible biota of Domiasiat, Meghalaya - Kumar Niranjan (North-Eastern HilL University Shillong Meghalaya)   (Paladini)
17:30 Chemical composition of urban soils in the vicinity of steel industry - Prof. Elisabete De Nadai Fernandes (University of Sao Paulo)   (Paladini)
17:30 Classification of igneous rocks from Paraguay by INAA - Prof. Juan F Facetti-Masulli (Universidad Nacional de Asunción)   (Paladini)
17:30 Comparison of composition of lechatelierites in moldavites and silica phytoliths - Jan Kameník (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)   (Paladini)
17:30 Deep purification of uranium extract from technetium - Mr Vitaly Vidanov (Open Joint Stock Company “Academician A.A. Bochvar High-Tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials”)   (Paladini)
17:30 Design and construction of an equipment for the radiochemistry process of molecules marked for the sector health - Dr Alanis José (Nuclear Center of México)   (Paladini)
17:30 Development of an original radiochemical protocol in a view of Sn-121m and Sn-126 measurements in Low and Intermediate Level Nuclear Wastes - Dr Celine Gautier (CEA Saclay DEN/DANS/DPC/SECR/LANIE)   (Paladini)
17:30 EDXRF determination of heavy metals in the soil of an urban plot in Mexico City - Prof. Juan Lartigue (National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
17:30 Elemental characterization of bread and durum wheat by INAA - Dr Maria do Carmo Freitas (URSN-ITN, Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear)   (Paladini)
17:30 Evaluation of cobalt bis(dicarbollide) ion derivatives with attached metal chelating groups for their use in nuclear waste treatment - Dr Maria Bubenikova (Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc.)   (Paladini)
17:30 Fukushima fallout at Milano, Italy - Prof. ALEXANDRA IOANNIDOU (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Physics Department, Nuclear Phys. and Elementary Partcile Phys. Division)   (Paladini)
17:30 Implementation of the k0-standardization method for analysis of geological samples at the Neutron Activation Analysis Laboratory, São Paulo, Brazil - Dr Ana Maria Figueiredo (IPEN-CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
17:30 In soil radon measurements to characterize fault systems - Dr Gabriella Mangano (Dipartimeno di Fisica e Astronomia Università di Catania, CSFNSM)   (Paladini)
17:30 Limiting transport properties of lanthanide and actinide ions in water.Hydration number and hydrolysis phenomena. - Prof. Habib Latrous (Faculté des sciences de tunis)   (Paladini)
17:30 Low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements of air samples in Austria after the Fukushima accident - Dr Andreas Musilek (Vienna University of Technology - Atominstitut)   (Paladini)
17:30 Lu-177g produced with high specific activity by deuteron irradiation for metabolic radiotherapy - Simone Manenti (LASA, Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN-Milano)   (Paladini)
17:30 Metallographic and XPS analyses of deposits from steam generator - Ms Jana Petrů (ICT Prague)   (Paladini)
17:30 Natural radionuclides and Cs-137 in marine sediments from open and semi-enclosed gulfs, lagoons and fjord-like environments in Greece - Prof. Helen Papaefthymiou (University of Patras)   (Paladini)
17:30 Natural radionuclides, stable elements concentration and study of bioactive components of Peperomia pellucida - Mr Fabio Vitorio SUSSA (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN) Dr Paulo Sergio Cardoso SILVA (Insituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN)   (Paladini)
17:30 Neutron and photon activation analyses of anomalous phonolites from Lusatian Mountains in Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic - Dr Zdeněk Řanda (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)   (Paladini)
17:30 Passive biomonitoring study for trace elements in oysters Crassostrea brasiliana (Lamarck, 1819: Mollusca, Bivalvia) in São Paulo State coastal sites, Brazil (25º00’-23º56’S, 47º25’-45º19’W) - Dr Marilia Semmler (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares) Dr Marina Vasconcellos (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares) Dr Eduinetty Sousa (Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo)   (Paladini)
17:30 Physico-chemical investigation of heterogeneous equilibria in the saturated aqueous solutions of uranylsilicates of the alkaline elements - Ms Natalya Godovanova (Nizhni Novgorod state University)   (Paladini)
17:30 Plutonium, americium and radiocesium in coastal sediments of the Cuban island, in the Caribbean Sea - Dr José Antonio Corcho Alvarado (Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos (CEAC), Cienfuegos, Cuba)   (Paladini)
17:30 Potassium concentrations and annual effective dose of the most customary-consumed foodstuffs in Mexico as a cultural heritage - Prof. Alejandro Ramírez (National University of Mexico)   (Paladini)
17:30 Precipitation and purification of uranium from rock phosphate - Mr ELSHAFEEA ABOWSLAMA (Sudan Atomic Energy Commission)   (Paladini)
17:30 Recent sedimentation rates and trace elements determined in cores from Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil - Dr Sandra Damatto (IPEN - CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
17:30 Removal of volatile, organic iodines from vented containment gas streams by wet-scrubbing during severe nuclear accidents - Mrs Sabrina Tietze (Chalmers University of Technology)   (Paladini)
17:30 Secure and certify studies to work on production of "spiked" plutonium - Prof. Prof.Dr.Mr.Ashraf Elsayed Mohamed Mohamed (Institute for Nuclear Materials)   (Paladini)
17:30 Study of lactose uptake rate by immobilized kefir cells during whey fermentation, using C-14 labelled lactose - Aristidis golfinopoulos (university of patras)   (Paladini)
17:30 Study of states of uranylphosphates and uranylarsenates of monoacid, divalent and trivalent elements in water-salt heterogeneous systems - Dr Oxana Nipruk (Nizhni Novgorod state University)   (Paladini)
17:30 Study of the firing temperature of Marajoara Archaeological ceramics by electron paramagnetic resonance associated to INAA data - Ms Kelly Nunes (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares)   (Paladini)
17:30 Synthesis and study of uranyl orthovanadate (UO2)3(VO4)2*4H2O - Ms Anna Eremina (Nizhni Novgorod state University)   (Paladini)
17:30 Test of isotopic exchanges between O-18 and O-16 when oxygen-18 enriched water contacts with air oxygen - Mrs Selen Ekim (Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Division of Nuclear Chemistry, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey)   (Paladini)
17:30 The distribution of I-131 in the fractionated dust in the ground layer of air in central Poland - Mr Paweł Grabowski (Technical University of Lodz)   (Paladini)
17:30 The effect of aging and natural organic matter on the Th(OH)4 solubility - Ms Melpomeni Prodromou (University of Cyprus)   (Paladini)
17:30 The effect of humic acid on the formation and solubility of secondary solid phases of polyvalent metal ions - Dr Stella Antoniou (University of Cyprus)   (Paladini)
17:30 The granular sorbents for passive environment protection system during severe accidents with total loss of power supply at NPPs - Prof. Sergey Kulyukhin (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS)   (Paladini)
17:30 The thermal decomposition of CH3131I in a gas flow - Prof. Sergey Kulyukhin (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS)   (Paladini)
17:30 Unconventional component of parent materials of moldavites - Dr Jiří Mizera (Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR)   (Paladini)
17:30 Uranium in dog foods commercialized in Brazil - Ms Camila Elias (University of São Paulo / Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture / Radioisotopes Laboratory)   (Paladini)
17:30 Uranium in ground water samples of Northern Greece - Prof. ALEXANDRA IOANNIDOU (ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI, Physics Department, Nuclear Phys. & Elementary Particle Phys. Division)   (Paladini)
Dinner - not included (until 22:00) ()
Companies (until 13:30) (Paladini)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
Excursion 1 (until 18:30) ()
Lectio Magistralis (until 19:30) ()
18:30 Epistemiological consideration on Radiochemistry during its 115 years of development - Prof. Ignazio Renato Bellobono (LASA, Department of Physics, University of Milan, and B.I.T. srl, Milan, Italy)   ()
Gala Dinner (until 23:00) ()
13:30 --- Lunch ---
Excursion 2 (until 19:30) ()
Dinner (until 23:30) ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
INCS General Assembly (until 16:00) (Paladini)
16:00 --- coffee break ---
Session 12 (until 17:30) (Paladini)
16:30 Paving the way to personalized medicine: production of some theragnostic radionuclides at Brookhaven National Laboratory - Suresh C. Srivastava (Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, U.S.A.)   (Paladini)
16:50 Cyclotron production of Sc-44 - new radionuclide for PET technique - Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)   (Paldini)
17:05 99mTc(N)-DBODC(5) from cardiology to oncology: preliminary in vitro study - Prof. Alessandro Dolmella (University of Padova, Italy)   (Paladini)
Poster Section 2 (until 19:00) (Paladini)
17:30 [188Re(N)(cys~)(PNP)]+/0 mixed ligand compounds as models for the development of target specific agents - Prof. Alessandro Dolmella (University of Padova)   (Paladini)
17:30 A new radiofluorination method of select fluor as a new and effective F-18 fluorinating reagent - Mrs Gülcan Ünak (Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey)   (Paladini)
17:30 A recoil method for Be-7 radiolabelling of nanoparticles - Ms Izabela Cydzik (Joint Research Centre European Commission, IHCP)   (Paladini)
17:30 Adsorption of Cs(I) on Densely Crosslinked Poly(sodium methacrylate) from Aqueous Solutions - Dr Cemal OZEROGLU (Istanbul University Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemistry 34320 Avcilar-Istanbul/TURKEY)   (Paladini)
17:30 Americium and samarium determination in aqueous solutions after separation by cation-exchange - Mrs Tasoula Kiliari (University of Cyprus)   (Paladini)
17:30 An automated production of Cu-64 on 18/9 MeV cyclotron - Prof. Pavol Rajec (BIONT, Comenius University)   (Paladini)
17:30 Ascertainment of changes in thyroid hormones metabolism in white adipose tissue by radiometric enzyme assays - Dr Stanislav Pavelka (1Department of Radiometry, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague and 2Central-European Technology Institute, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
17:30 Automated fusion methodology for the rapid dissolution of airborne actinides - Prof. Dominic Lariviere (Université Laval)   (Paladini)
17:30 Basic information about nuclear power energy to mexican citizens - Dr Manuel Navarrete (UNAM)   (Paladini)
17:30 Calibration protocol of Fricke-gel layers for absolute dose measurements in radiotherapy. - Dr Roberta Guilizzoni (Università degli Studi di Milano)   (Paladini)
17:30 Characterisation of a Cu selective resin for use in the production of Cu isotopes for medical purpose - A. Bombard (Triskem International)   (Paladini)
17:30 Characterization of radioactive waste from a PET cyclotron facility by gamma spectroscopy - Dr Ignazio Vilardi (Nuclear Medicine Department, Multimedica Scientific Institute, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 Compare plutonium isotopes activity in humans bones on the area where only global fallout was present and the area where Global and Chernobyl fallouts ware present. - Mr Kamil Brudecki (The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)   (Paladini)
17:30 Comparison of metal accumulation in tree bark and soil from urban parks in São Paulo city, Brazil - Dr Ana Maria Figueiredo (IPEN-CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
17:30 Correlation study of air pollution and cardio-respiratory system diseases through NAA of atmospheric pollutant biomonitor - Dr Mitiko Saiki (Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares)   (Paladini)
17:30 Determination of short-lived radionuclides in neutron-activated urban atmospheric Particulate Matter - Dr Pasquale Avino (INAIL (ex-ISPESL))   (Paladini)
17:30 Determination of Sr-90 and Pb-210 in freshwater fish in Austria - Claudia Landstetter (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety)   (Paladini)
17:30 Development and characterisation of a new miniaturised detector for in vivo dosimetry in HDR brachytherapy. - Prof. Grazia Gambarini (Department of Physics, Università degli Studi, Milan, Italy and INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milan, Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 Distribution of heavy metals in fish tissues of the Tepuxtepec Dam, Mexico - Dr Graciela Zarazua (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares) Prof. Trinidad Martinez (UNAM. Facultad de Ciencias)   (Paladini)
17:30 EBT2 radiochromic films for absolute dose measurements in radiotherapy: prototype of an innovative system for their analysis - Dr Nicole Mantaut (Università degli studi di Milano)   (Paladini)
17:30 Evaluation of Y-90 labeled PANAM dendrimers of the 1st and 4th generations - Prof. Milan Laznicek (Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
17:30 Experimental cross sections for Be-7 production in Al, Si, Mg and C by deuteron irradiations up to 50 MeV - alex hermanne (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)   (Paladini)
17:30 Fabrication and thermo-mechanical characterization of HEMA grafted UV photo-cured biodegradable chitosan film - Mr Kamol Dey (Department of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)   (Paladini)
17:30 Gamma-ray spectroscopic characterization of radioactive preparation for production process validation in a PET cyclotron facility - Dr Ignazio Vilardi (Nuclear Medicine Department, Multimedica Scientific Institute, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 Hyaluronic acid labeled with radioiodine: Optimization of labeling procedure and preclinical evaluation - Dr Alice Laznickova (Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
17:30 In-vivo dosimetry in HDR brachyterapy with Fricke-gel catheters: preliminary results - Prof. Grazia Gambarini (Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN, Milan, Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 In-vivo dosimetry in prostate HDR brachytherapy with thermoluminescence detectors (TLDs) - Dr Simone Alessandro Grisotto (Physics Department of the Università degli Studi, Milan, Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis applied to multielement determination in lettuce grown in phosphate treated contaminated soil - Dr Mitiko Saiki (IPEN/CNEN-SP)   (Paladini)
17:30 Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis for the absorption of U(VI) on the crosslinked polyester resin with acrylic acid from aqueous solutions - Dr Cemal OZEROGLU (Istanbul University Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemistry 34320 Avcilar-Istanbul/TURKEY)   (Paladini)
17:30 Metal and trace element assessment of Tietê river sediments, São Paulo, Brazil - Deborah FAVARO (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares)   (Paladini)
17:30 Microspheres with an ultra high holmium content for brachytherapy of malignancies - Dr MARIANGELA BURGOS M. de AZEVEDO (IPEN/CNEN)   (Paladini)
17:30 Nanozeolites as carriers for radium radionuclides. - Prof. Aleksander Bilewicz (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)   (Paladini)
17:30 Native and transplanted lichen and bark as air pollution biomonitors at three different meteorological conditions - Dr Maria do Carmo Freitas (Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, URSN)   (Paladini)
17:30 Natural radionuclides content and radon exhalation rate from brazilian phosphogypsum piles - Dr Marcia Pires de Campos (IPEN)   (Paladini)
17:30 New method for Sc-47 production in nuclear reactor Maria at Świerk - Ms Barbara Bartos (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)   (Paladini)
17:30 Radioionidation of tyrosine by the use of exchange reaction - Mrs Gözde Sarican (Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Division of Nuclear Chemistry, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey)   (Paladini)
17:30 Radiolabeling of insuline with fluorine-18 using a new radiofluorination technique - Mrs Cigdem Cetin (Ege University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Division of Nuclear Chemistry, Bornova, Izmir 35100, Turkey)   (Paladini)
17:30 Radiolabelling of nanoparticles for life-cycle studies - Dr Karsten Franke (HZDR)   (Paladini)
17:30 Radiological dose assessment of naturally occurring radioactive materials in concrete building materials - Prof. amran majid (universiti kebangsaan malaysia)   (Paladini)
17:30 Radiometric enzyme assays for iodothyronine deiodinases - Stanislav Pavelka (1Department of Radiometry, Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague and 2Central-European Technology Institute, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)   (Paladini)
17:30 Rare earth elements in phosphogypsum and phosphate fertilizers in Brazil - Dr Barbara Paci Mazzilli (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares)   (Paladini)
17:30 Reactor Production of Cu-64 by (n,p) reactions on Zn targets in Dhruva Research Reactor for radiopharmaceutical studies - Mr vimalnath nair (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)   (Paladini)
17:30 Relationship between size distribution of radiation-induced aerosol particles and the deposited energy to the air in high-energy proton irradiation. - Mr Naoyuki OSADA (Graduate school of Engineering, Kyoto University)   (Paladini)
17:30 Separation of Cu-61 from alpha particle irradiated cobalt target by LLX - Prof. Susanta Lahiri (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Paladini)
17:30 Separation of Ra, Ba and Pb for determination of Ra-226 by isotope dilution alpha spectrometry and Pb-210 by liquid scintillation spectrometry - Dr Gyula Kis-Benedek (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA))   (Paladini)
17:30 Social representation and Nuclear Chemistry educational - Deborah Favaro (Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares)   (Paladini)
17:30 Synthesis and characterization of novel asymmetrical M(III) (M = Re, Tc-99g) complexes as models for the development of new potential tracers for SPECT imaging and radiotherapy - Dr Nicolò Morellato (University of Padova, Italy)   (Paladini)
17:30 The production and isolation of Cu-64 after production by the bombardment of a natural Zn target - Prof. Tjaart Nicolaas (Nico) van der Walt (Cape Peninsula University of Technology)   (Paladini)
17:30 Total Diet Study: Mg and Mn content estimation of a Market Basket of São Paulo state (Brazil) by Instrumental Neutron Activation. - Dr Vera Akiko Maihara (IPEN-CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
17:30 U, Th and other element evaluation in wild mushroom from a naturally high radioactive region in Brazil - Dr Vera Akiko Maihara (IPEN-CNEN/SP)   (Paladini)
Dinner (until 23:00) ()
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Poster Winners Award & Closing Cerimony (until 16:00) (Paladini)