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Pre-PHYSTAT RooStats Tutorial

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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This tutorial is closed to ATLAS, and will have an informal workshop-like feel. We will do our best to broadcast over EVO, but the room does not have a nice setup for that. BRING YOUR LAPTOP! In the afternoon, there is time for small groups to work on using the tools for real world analyses. So bring your histograms, ntuples, and questions. We will broadcast to EVO, but the room isn't really designed for it, so no promises. ****** NEW EVO Meeting******** Community: ATLAS Password: roostats Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL
    • RooStats Tutorial I
      • 1
        Introduction to RooStats: Philosophy, Design, and Resources
      • 2
        HistFactory: A tool for building Models from template histograms
      • 10:10
      • 3
        Running the HistFactory example
      • 4
        Running standard tools on model prepared by HistFactory
      • 5
        Detailed guide through tutorial scripts in ROOT 5.28
    • Hands On "workshop"

      This is time to discuss and begin using the tools. Several analyses are attempting to migrate to use the HistFactory and the RooStats tools, so bring your histograms and ntuples and let's try to make some progress. Small groups are encouraged.

      • 6
        Validation examples from Higgs Combination Group (transitioning from MCLimit)
      • 7
        Hands-on Example: Reproducing the ATLAS ttbar combination
      • 8
        Discussion on where developers are needed
      • 9
        Discussion on how to use tools for existing ATLAS analyses.
      • 14:50
        Coffee break
      • 10
        Working session : individuals or small groups working on real analyses or studies