11th Quattor Workshop
cern (see detailed agenda) (CERN)
cern (see detailed agenda)
This workshop is the main meeting of the Quattor community. Its main goal is discussing main issues, roadmap and community organization. It brings together Quattor developers and users and is open to everybody interested by Quattor. The two first days are really intended for internal discussions when the third day is devoted to tutorials and hands-on sessions.
Remote participation to the meeting will be available. Use the EVO Connection menu to join.
Alastair Bland
Antonio Perez Perez
Cal Loomis
Eric Fede
Fernando Lucas Rodriguez
Giacomo Tenaglia
Ian Peter Collier
Ignas Butenas
Ivan Fedorko
James Adams
Jerome Pansanel
Jorge Amando Molina-Perez
Joris Maes
Kenneth Hoste
Loic Brarda
Luis Fernando Munoz Mejias
Michel Jouvin
Nick Williams
Shkelzen Rugovac
Stephane Francis A Gerard
Tomasz Wolak
Veronique Lefebure
Vitor Emanuel Gomes Gouveia
Wayne Salter
Weizhen Wang
Wouter Depypere