26–30 Jun 2023
US/Pacific timezone

Forecasting axionic isocurvature detectability in Euclid and MegaMapper using EFTofLSS

27 Jun 2023, 11:30
1010 (ISEB)




Daniel Chung (Unknown)


Out of equilibrium axionic sector can generate blue isocurvature perturbations with a rich variety of spectra. Given that future galaxy surveys are probing shorter length scales with a greater accuracy, blue isocurvature perturbations are natural targets for these surveys. After a brief overview of blue axionic perturbations, a Fisher forecast for the Euclid and MegaMapper experiments in their ability to detect blue isocurvature perturbations will be presented. Some interesting features that arise in the EFTofLSS and bias expansion due to the blueness of the isocurvature spectrum will also be discussed.

Primary author

Daniel Chung (Unknown)

Presentation materials