29 March 2023 to 1 April 2023
US/Pacific timezone

Experimental signatures for direct, indirect, and collider detection of a 70 GeV dark matter WIMP with precisely-defined second-order gauge couplings

30 Mar 2023, 19:00
PAB- 1-425 (UCLA)

PAB- 1-425


UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095


Roland Allen


We discuss the potential for discovery of a recently proposed dark matter WIMP which has a mass of about 70 GeV/c$^2$ and only second-order couplings to W and Z bosons. There is evidence that indirect detection may already have been achieved, since analyses of the gamma rays detected by Fermi-LAT and the antiprotons observed by AMS-02 are consistent with 70 GeV dark matter having our calculated $\langle \sigma_{ann} v \rangle \approx 1.2 $\times 10^{-26} $ cm$^3$/s. The estimated sensitivities for LZ and XENONnT indicate that these experiments may achieve direct detection within the next few years, since we estimate the relevant cross-section to be slightly above $10^{-48}$ cm$^2$. Other experiments such as PandaX, SuperCDMS, and especially DARWIN should be able to confirm on a longer time scale. The high-luminosity LHC might achieve collider detection within about 15 years, since we estimate a collider cross-section slightly below 1 femtobarn.

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