Strong gravitational lensing by galaxies provides us with a powerful laboratory for testing dark matter models. Various particle models for dark matter give rise to different small-scale distributions of mass in the lens galaxy, which can be differentiated if the observation is sensitive enough. The sensitivity of a gravitational lens observation to the presence (or absence) of low-mass dark...
I will describe new cosmological zoom-in simulation suites that accurately resolve small-scale structure in the presence of novel dark matter physics. These simulations target Milky Way and strong lens analogs with initial conditions appropriate for a large variety of warm, interacting, and fuzzy dark matter models at and below current observational limits. Several of these simulations include...
Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) is promising to solve or at least mitigate small-scale problems of cold collisionless dark matter. N-body simulations have proven to be a powerful tool to study SIDM within the astrophysical context. However, it turned out to be difficult to simulate dark matter models that typically scatter about a small angle, for example, light mediator models. We...
Despite attempts to constrain the nature of dark matter over the last few decades, the parameter space has continuously broadened. We have designed a novel search technique for ultralight dark matter using the Breakthrough Listen public data release of Green Bank Telescope data that aims to match the broad theoretical scope with an equally broad model-independent strategy. The search concept...
Many theories of dark matter predict suppression on the linear matter power spectrum at small scales ($k > \sim 10\,{\rm h/Mpc}$). The suppression can lower the abundance of low-mass haloes (galaxies) at high redshift ($z > 6$) and significantly alter the assembly histories of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). In this work, we use variants of the recently published Thesan...
The fundamental nature of dark matter so far eludes direct detection experiments, but it has left its imprint in the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. Extracting this information requires accurate modelling of structure formation and careful handling of astrophysical uncertainties. I will present new bounds using the LSS on two compelling dark matter scenarios that are otherwise...
The power spectrum of primordial fluctuations is largely unconstrained at mass scales $\leq 10^9 M_{\odot}$. A number of alternatives to the cold, collisionless dark matter (CDM) paradigm have been proposed which either suppress or enhance power at these mass scales. The best limits on these models currently come from the Ly$\alpha$ forest flux power spectrum and strong gravitational lensing...
The discovery of cosmic antinuclei would be an unambiguous signal of new physics and transform the field of cosmic particle research. The GAPS Antarctic balloon payload, scheduled for its initial flight in the upcoming year, is the first experiment optimized specifically for cosmic antiprotons, antideuterons, and antihelium as signatures of dark matter. The distinctive GAPS particle...
GRAMS (Gamma-Ray and AntiMatter Survey) is a proposed balloon/satellite mission that will be the first to target both MeV gamma-ray observations and antimatter-based indirect dark matter searches with a LArTPC (Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber) detector. With a cost-effective, large-scale LArTPC, GRAMS can have extensively improved sensitivities to both MeV gamma rays and antiparticles...