IRIS-HEP Fellows Introductory Presentations


IRIS-HEP Fellows Lightning Talks August 22, 2022



    • 18:00 19:00
      Fellows Talks
      • 18:00
        Tetiana Yushkevych - Tools for understanding semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering measurements 5m
        Speaker: Tetiana Yushkevych (University of Torino, Physics Department, via Giuria 1, 10125 Torino (Italy))
      • 18:05
        Bohdan Tyschenko - A rigorous benchmarking of methods for SARS-CoV-2 lineage detection in wastewater. 5m
        Speaker: Bohdan Tyschenko
      • 18:10
        Ernest Sorokun - Data Reduction for the ProtoDUNE Detector Control System 5m
        Speaker: Ernest Sorokun
      • 18:15
        Oleksii Kiva - Developing an automatic pruning utility for statistical models in HistFactory format 5m
        Speaker: Oleksii Kiva
      • 18:20
        Pavlo Yefanov - Top-Quark Pair Modelling and Uncertainties 5m
        Speaker: Pavlo Yefanov (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))