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Mechanical structures for superconducting dipoles. Different configurations for different applications.



Diego Perini - (CERN)

Abstract: The first superconducting dipoles installed in one accelerator were designed in the middle of the seventies, one generation ago. Since then, the field-level requirement for the new machines has considerably increased. As a consequence, the electromagnetic forces loading the coils and the support structures have grown by a good order of magnitude. In the past decades, many support structures have been proposed and manufactured. The choice between different options is not always obvious during the design phase, and this has originated in long and difficult discussions, sometimes beyond the technical and economic aspects.

The lesson learned from the Nb3Sn programs and the High Field Magnet project requirements call for an even more complex approach to defining coil retainment structures.

In this lecture, I will show some examples of dipoles for accelerators, and I will describe the logic behind certain design choices. Then I will give a short status report about the ideas we are developing for dipoles up to 12 T field with cosθ coils. Often, to present a structure, we show the cross-section since it is the easier part to understand and compute. But in the largest amount of the dipoles manufactured so far, the quenches are in the transition regions and the ends. Also, in this lecture, you will see many cross-sections, but I will also try to give some ‘3D’ information.


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