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WP12 General Meeting



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Meeting ID: 839 1022 1339
Passcode: 089063

WP12 Meeting Minutes

Present: Frank, Graeme, Tao Lin, Hadrien, Adelina, André, Engin, John B, John C, Keith, Peter, Piyush, Thomas, Weidong, Wenxing, Biagio


Please send inputs by 14 October, including publications.

Idea of a hackathon is popular, but we have to see about the availability of rooms and key people (e.g., ACTS developers).

  • ACTION Frank and Graeme to investigate the possibility of rooms at Valencia

Turnkey Software

Q. Hadrien - surprised that chose to use ACTS SYCL seeding algorithm, better to use the trackCC?
A. Weidong - it is the trackCC component that’s used

Q. Frank - where are we with the discussion of Guassino re. DDsim and DDG4?
A. Graeme - that discussion hasn’t really happened yet, work focused on getting a working Gaussino build into Key4hep; after that we will follow up on this point.


No report from Anna today (Geant4 Collaboration Meeting ongoing). We understand there is a lot of progress and we shall hear it later. We welcome Piyush as a new fellow at CERN working on the AIDAinnova simulation task.

Track Reconstruction

Q. Thomas - for EDM4hep I/O support, is this using the existing types?
A. Hadrien - not sure, please check the PR

Particle Flow Reconstruction

Q. Frank - for the IDEA detector, it looks like they will use Pandora as the underlying toolkit.


  • John - yes. Use of PyTorch and Tensorflow together, on advice of CERN team.
  • Engin - yes, recommends PyTorch in the end, it works better
  • Graeme, as well as ONNX inference, there is SOFIE (from the ROOT team)


There was a lot to cover in the meeting today - hard to fit everything in.

We should either have more frequent meetings and/or focus on 2 topics per-meeting instead of all 4. TBD!

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.