Tests of new-physics explanations of $a_{CP} (D\to \pi\pi)$ and $a_{CP} (D\to KK)$

12 Apr 2023, 11:10
Flavour Flavor, BSM


Ulrich Nierste (KIT TTP)


The LHCb combined measurements of $\Delta a_{\rm CP} = a_{\rm CP} (D\to K^+K^-)- a_{\rm CP} (D\to \pi^+\pi^-)$ and $a_{\rm CP} (D\to K^+K^-)$ are in tension with predictions employing the Standard Model and U-spin symmetry of QCD. I discuss explanations in terms of new physics and propose test of these explanations in other $D$ decay modes.


Emil Overduin (KIT TTP) Maurice Schüßler (KIT TTP) Syuhei Iguro (KIT IAP and TTP) Ulrich Nierste (KIT TTP)

Presentation materials