Probing the Nature of Heavy Neutral Leptons in Direct Searches and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

12 Apr 2023, 09:57
Invited talk Neutrinos Neutrinos


Patrick Bolton (INFN Trieste & SISSA)


Direct searches at fixed target experiments and searches for neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay can be used to probe the Majorana vs. pseudo-Dirac nature of a Heavy Neutral Lepton (HNL) pair. Firstly, I will outline a phenomenological parametrisation relating the active-sterile mixing strengths to the neutrino oscillation data, assuming that the HNL pair generates masses for two light neutrinos. I will then consider the possible constructive or destructive interference of the HNL pair with the light neutrino contribution in 0νββ decay and the production and decay of HNLs in fixed target experiments. Finally, I will explore how signals at LEGEND-1000 and DUNE constrain the HNL parameter space; in particular, the mass splitting between the HNL pair.

Primary author

Patrick Bolton (INFN Trieste & SISSA)

Presentation materials