The 2021 measurement by the Fermilab experiment confirmed the 4 sigma discrepancy with the theory estimate based on the world average from the g-2 Theory Initiative. Since then, new lattice QCD results have been published and tend to reduce this tension.
In this talk, I will present some recent lattice calculations of the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 and I will discuss their impact...
We discuss the current status of the exclusive $b \to c \ell\nu$ decay modes and review the situation with hadronic uncertainties as well as with the problems related to a reliable extraction of $|V_{cb}|$. We also discuss the lepton flavor universality both in the decays of mesons and in the decays of baryons, and emphasize the importance of studying the angular distribution of these decay...
We present our predictions for lifetimes, lifetime ratios and
semileptonic decay widths of single-charm (bottom) and double-charm
baryons within the Heavy Quark Expansion (HQE) framework, including all
known corrections. In contrast to earlier findings, our results
accommodate the experimentally-favoured hierarchy of the singly charmed
baryons. In the double-charm sector, we find a good...
In this talk, I will revisit the Standard Model (SM) predictions for $\mathcal{B}(B \to K^{(\ast)}\nu\bar{\nu})$ and discuss the opportunities that open up when combining its partial decay with that of $\mathcal{B}(B → K^{(\ast)}\mu\mu)$. I will argue that the differential measurement of $B \to K\nu\bar{\nu}$ decays allow for an useful cross-check of the shape of the vector form-factor...
CP violation breaking is accidentally small in the SM: flavour invariants measuring CP violation in SMEFT are constructed and consequences on various flavour assumptions on their sizes are scrutinised.