ATTRACT Academy Checkpoint meeting

Design factory (Aalto)

Design factory


  • Tuesday 11 October
    • 1
      Checking deliverables so far

      What deliverables do we have, is something missing?
      Do we need to modify the instructions?

    • 2
      Status of ongoing projects

      Checking how the ongoing student programmes are going

    • 12:00
    • 3
      Discussion on how to improve the process of taking the tech in

      Using tech as a starting point vs. using challenge as a starting point.
      Are we happy with the level of tech usage we have had so far? Do we need to clarify instructions?
      Sharing the tech exploration material from TU Delft course and other best practices.

  • Wednesday 12 October
    • 4
      Role of Ideasquare as a liaison organisation
    • 12:00
    • 5
      Any Other Business

      What feedback have we gotten so far? Are the researchers happy, what needs to be improved? From both R&D&I projects and Academy side