28 November 2022 to 2 December 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone
This survey is not active


Starterkit 2022 - 9 Months Later Feedback Survey

To aid the organisation of this year's starterkit we have made this very quick survey to get an idea of how "useful" each lesson was at last years starterkit, now you have had 9 months of working with LHCb and hopefully used some of the skills learnt at Starterkit!

If you have any specific comments on a lesson, praise or criticism, add it in the text box below each question.

Link to the indico which may help as a memory refresher: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1206471/timetable/?view=standard

Introduction to Bash + Advanced Python

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you


1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you


1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

'Collison to Physics' (LHCb Data Processing)

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you


1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you


1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

DaVinci Run 1 & 2

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

Analysis Productions

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

Simulation & MC Requests

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

Dataflow in Run 3

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you


1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

DaVinci Run 3

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

Practise Session

1 for not very useful, 5 for very useful, N/A if this lesson doesn't apply to you

Facility Tours
The Starterkit Social
General Suggestions