The 16th Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory (VCES) will take place on Nov 24 - 25, 2022 at the TUtheSky Meeting Hall, Getreidemark 9, 1060 Vienna. The seminar focuses on the topic
Fundamental Puzzle Pieces to the Incomplete Picture of the Universe
The meeting is jointly organized by the Stefan Meyer Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Atominstitut of TU Wien, and is supported by the FWF doctoral school Particles and Interactions (P28535-N27).
This year's seminar focuses on open problems and windows to new physics. Our understanding of the universe rests on two pillars: Einstein's theory of relativity, and the standard model of particle physics. During the past decades, numerous observations have been made that challenge this picture and call for the development of a more advanced understanding. In this seminar, we attempt to cover a broad range of such observations and tests seeking further deviations from known physics - from elusive dark energy and dark matter to neutrino oscillations and CKM non-unitarity. |
The seminar series was created 2004 and is intended to provide stimulating interactions between leading researchers and promising junior physicists on dedicated research topics. A considerable number of junior scientists participate in the seminar series. We particularly invite junior participants, including advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty to attend the meeting.
Organizing Committee:
Eberhard Widmann (SMI, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Hartmut Abele (TU Wien)
René Sedmik (TU Wien)