HDR PI meeting organization #6
We are planning to convene an in-person meeting of Principal Investigators (or your designated representative) for all three categories of awards across the Harnessing the Data Revolution ecosystem:
- Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering
- Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS)
- Data Science Corps (DSC).
The meeting will be held in the The Westin Alexandria Old Town on October 26-27, 2022.
Organization Committee:
- Shih-Chieh Hsu (co-chair), UW, http://faculty.washington.edu/schsu -- A3D3 representative
- Philip Harris (co-chair), MIT, https://physics.mit.edu/faculty/philip-harris/ -- A3D3 representative
- Valerie Barr, Bard College, https://vbarr4.github.io/ -- DSC representative
- Nathan Quarderer, UC Boulder, https://earthlab.colorado.edu/our-team/nathan-quarderer — DSC representative
- Jane Greenberg, Drexel, https://drexel.edu/cci/about/directory/G/Greenberg-Jane/ -- ID4 representative
- Paula Mabee, NEON, https://www.linkedin.com/in/paula-mabee-08b45a42/ -- Imageomics representative
- Anand Padmanabhan, UIUC, https://ggis.illinois.edu/directory/profile/apadmana -- I-GUIDE representative
- Barna Saha, UCSD, https://barnasaha.net/ -- TRIPODS representative
- Ambuj Singh, UCSB, https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/index.php/people/faculty/ambuj-k-singh -- DSC representative
- Jianwu Wang, UMBC, https://userpages.umbc.edu/~jianwu/ -- iHARP representative
NSF HDR Program Officers:
- Amy Walton <awalton@nsf.gov>
- Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin <VLUKIN@nsf.gov>
- Sylvia J. Spengler <sspengle@nsf.gov>
- Christopher Stark <cstark@nsf.gov>
Session preparations:
- Panel session:
- moderator
- intro guest speaker
- itemized questions for discussions
- Breakout session:
- leaders of each topic
- suggested points of discussions based on the survey
Each breakout group leader is expected to give a summary talk in the plenary session. If we have 9 groups, each group could give a 5mins talk. The summary talk should outline a list of proposed activities aiming on building a strong and sustainable HDR Ecosystem. For each activity, we are expecting following information
- Topic, Goal, Motivation
- Participating HDR awards
- Candidate coordinators (ideally, it’s nice to identify at least 2 people)
- Timeline
We want to deploy a practical procedure to keep the momentum going after the PI meeting. The activity coordinators will play central roles to catalyze common activities cross HDR awards.
The coordinators’ mandate is to help formulation of working groups.
- Arrange post-PI meetings for people to continue exchanging ideas
- Stimulate formation of working groups, and identify working group leaders
- The participating HDR award representatives are natural candidates to take these roles. Of course, this can also be opened to other HDR community members who are not participating the PI meeting.
The working group leaders will be the key people to put ideas into practice. Their mandates are:
- Define goals, tasks, timeline and milestones
- Engage HDR community members to conduct the plan.
HDR PI Meeting 2023 will be a great place for each working group to make progress report.