9 January 2023 to 10 February 2023
European Scientific Institute (ESI)
Europe/Paris timezone

Oral EXAM: Accelerator design (by group, 9 groups, 20 minutes per group)

6 Feb 2023, 13:00
1h 35m
European Scientific Institute (ESI)

European Scientific Institute (ESI)

61 rue Antoine Redier Building "Mont Blanc 1" 74160 Archamps France


Adrian Oeftiger (GSI) Bastian Haerer


Those who will NOT take the exams MUST be involved in the preparation of the oral presentation (i.e., the week before), you MUST take part of oral presentation but you will be NOT MARKED.

Group #2 - 13:00 - 13:20 (Daniel N., Vittorio F., Max B.)
Group #7 - 13:25 - 13:45 (Luca C., Arnaud M., Elias W.)
Group #4 - 13:50 - 14:10 (Stefano M., Syrmatenia L., Andrea F.)
Group #1 - 14:15 - 14:35 (Daniel Z., Francesco D., Ioannis A.)

Presentation materials

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