First look at Xsuite for Slow Extraction
Pablo Andreas Arrutia Sota
- A small example with slow extraction with SPS
- Very easy to get started with the documentation and examples
- Xsuite is the new player in the zoo of simulation software
Key Features
- GPU support
- Easy for time-dependent
- Active community
- Easy to combine with particle-matter software
Benchmarking Test
- Very simple SloEx sim with
- MAD-X Thintrack
- Xsuite direct import from MAD-X
- Henontrack (linear transport + virtual sextupole)
- Looking at small amplitude phase-space portait: very similar charachteristics
- Separatrix arm: important for loss studies
- Good agreement with Xsuite and MAD-X
- Henontrack cannot reproduce amplitude detuning so some errors are expected
- Great agreement with MAD-X and Xsuite when looking closer
Transit Time
- Important for time structure and spill quality studies
- 100 particles simulated, plotted the time taken to leave the machine
- Perfect agreement with Xsuite and MAD-X
- Henontrack also performs well for small transit times
Ripple Mockup study
- Add a 50hz pertubation
- Over 400 quads in the machine but can be trimmed together
Conclusion and next Steps
- Easy importing from MAD-X to Xsuite
- Xsuite and MAD-X are in great agreement
- Time-dependent parameters easily implemented
- Looking at implementing pyCollimate
- Slide 11: time dependent studies. Other parameters like RFKO can be handled similarly.
- Longitudinal coordinates are accessible
- Depending on what the change is - if it is a fast change, it is not equivalent
- If it is a slow change, it is the same idea
- A possibility to code it yourself, take voltage as a function of z
- Do you have RF cavities that you can track longitudinally? Can you track outside the bucket?
- Tracking can be done for a few turns outside the bucket
- One possibility is to introduce a periodicity
- These SloEx simulations were done debunched
- RFKO: typically frequencies are lower, arrival time doesn’t matter, as a practical simplification
- How many turns have we tried?
- No real limitation
- ~30 million have been done for LHC
- Question: tracking on transfer lines?
- Discussing this currently
- Twiss can be given as initial conditions
- Slowly getting there
- Putting together a use-case would be useful for example
- How do you know that after a million turns things are correct?
- Check for symplectic response matrix
- Maps are symplectic by construction
- Compare to other codes (SixTrack)
- Convergence checks by changing the number of slices
- Is it possible to have a 3D field map?
- We already have 2D time dependent map, implemented in a symplectic way
- Ideas of 3D static map