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iFAST 5.3 (Slow Extraction) - Initial Meeting

Francesco Maria Velotti (CERN)

  • Giovanni Iadarola
  • Vladimir Nagaslaev
  • +28
    • 16:00 16:10
      Welcome and Introduction 10m
      Speaker: Francesco Maria Velotti (CERN)

      Welcome and Introduction

      Francesco Velotti


      • Comparing accuracy vs speed
      • Loss estimation: Can be combined with matter tracking (FLUKA, Geant4)
      • No real improvements to be found on smaller machines?

      Moving Forwards

      • Accurate simulations with Xsuite - powered by GPU
      • Extensible - can be used with pyCollimate (but is not GPU ready), or Geant4

      Working Group goals

      • A community for SloEx simulations
      • Share tools and collaborate
      • Can we exploit ML?
      • Series of informal discussions
      • Ideally sharing git projects
      • Meetings every few months, or more frequent if needed


      • Do we have a list of GitLab/GitHub projects?
      • Codes for crystal bending - what do we have?
      • Kevin Brown - working with a NASA group working on steering comic rays with crystals - could the same tools be used
      • Next meeting - could everyone prepare one slide giving an overview for what everyone is working on?
        • Could we come up with a template of questions to answer?
        • There is also BDSIM - this can be used with GMAD
        • Collimation group in ABP
        • Crystal collimation can be done with SixTrack with K2 engine, or FLUKA, or BDSIM
        • This can be exported to Xsuite - still on going and crystal routine in K2 still not bechmarked with FLUKA
        • FLUKA can simulate interactions of particles with crystals
        • Measure response of the crystal, build a Probability Density Function
        • Use that in any simulation code - this is what we do in pyCollimate and mapTrack
        • We should keep track of our tools and what we use them for.
        • A list of techniques, or things people are struggling with.
        • Linking every presentation with a git repo, with examples
    • 16:10 16:40
      Introduction to Xsuite (+10m discussion) 30m
      Speaker: Giovanni Iadarola (CERN)

      Introduction to Xsuite

      Giovanni Iadarola

      • Xsuite begun at the beginning of 2021


      • There were many independently developed multi-particle tracking softwares with different features
      • The learning curves are long and specific
      • Difficult to define a consistent strategy with future challenges - such as FCC, muon collider
      • Opted to start with a new design considering all requirements
      • No need to start from scratch - reuse experience and sometimes source code


      • Sustainable
        • The community is relatively small
        • Need something easy to maintain and develop
        • Favoured mainstream technology: python
        • Keep the code simple and slim: student friendly
      • Easy and flexible to use: scriptable
      • Speed matters
        • Maintain performance with sixtrack on CPU and sixtracklib on GPU
      • Provide GPU interface


      • A set of python packages
      • Already used in BE-ABP
      • Newcomers are often aware of python, a short learning curve
      • Python is easily extended with C, C++, and FORTRAN
      • Support GPUs, as some simulations can only be done on GPUs
      • Complicated market situation
        • No accepted standard
      • Multiplatform code: support multiple vendors
      • New standards are already expected
      • Open source GPU packages leveraged


      • Demonstrated a short learning curve
      • Already used in production for some studies
      • Users encouraged to contribute with code, tests, documentation etc

      Collective Effects

      • Xsuite can handle collective elements - impedance, space-charge etc
      • The code is aware of these elements, where the action on one particle depends on the coordinates on the other
      • No special action required by the user - the code automatically handles asynchronicity


      • Built to be as extensible as possible
      • Any element that has a tracking method is a valid element for Xtrack
      • In particular, PyHEADTAIL elements are valid - but currently need a compatibility mode

      Comparison and Advanced Features

      • Extremely small errors when checking against SixTrack (machine precision)
      • Similar compilation time to SixTrack
      • Already used in Dynamic Aperture studies (with a fully pythonic approach)
      • Use of ML for smart sampling of phase space
      • Feedback: Xsuite was fundamental for these projects

      How it works

      • Searches 6D closed orbit
      • First order turn matrix
      • Eigenvector tracking of particles
      • Compute twiss parameters from eigenvalues (bonus)
      • Repeat off-momentum for chromaticity
      • Tested for HL-LHC, PSB, ELENA, Elettra, CLIC-DR, FCC-ee


      • Deferred expressions from MAD-X
      • Knobs imported from MAD-X can be easily changed before the simulation or during the simulation
      • Variables can also be inspected - very powerful

      Synchrotron Radiation

      • Not available in SixTrack
      • Full quantum description
      • Xtrack twiss computes energy loss


      • Installs collimators in Xsuite beamlines
      • Configures the gaps based on user configuratoin
      • Different particle-matter simulation engines
        • K2 ported from sixtrack
        • Geant4-BDSIM tested in full loss-map studies
        • FLUKA
      • More modules for precisely locating particle loss
      • still not implemented


      • Modular code is feasible
      • Different computing platforms can be supported under the same codebase
      • Gently moving towards production


      • Pulling in geometry from CAD files is not currently available
        • This can be done with FLUKA
      • Does the code interface or link with many existing libraries?
        • Single particle: ported from SixTrackLib directly
        • Space charge: written from scratch, but inspired by PyHEADTAIL
        • Collected effects: interface with PyHEADTAIL
      • Elements: thintracking, so in the end everything is a multipole
      • Sequences can be imported from MAD-X
        • It is imported from cpymad sequence object
      • Any disadvantages with MAD-X?
        • MAD-X is limited with space charge
        • No real disadvantages
        • MAD-X might take longer to import files
        • Do the import once, and export
      • MAD-X imports - do deferred expressions impact performance
        • We do pull, not push
        • The deferred expressions are not read every time, they are requested
        • They do not impact performance during tracking
      • What does the ‘X’ stand for?
        • Nothing!
      • PyOrbit - what are the prospects of using it? Is it being phased out?
        • Trying to phase applications out of pyOrbit
        • Investment has been made into Xtrack
      • Can the variations of components be saved in Xdeps
        • The idea is that things can be changed with complex rules while the simulation is running
      • Xtrack does not use the same API as MAD-X, but in principle they are equivalent in capabilities
      • How are you handling support?
        • Documentation
        • GitHub issues, classified as blocking or feature requests
        • Might be nice to have a tutorial for the next workshop?
    • 16:40 17:10
      First look at Xsuite for Slow Extraction (+10m discussion) 30m
      Speaker: Pablo Andreas Arrutia Sota (University of Oxford (GB))

      First look at Xsuite for Slow Extraction

      Pablo Andreas Arrutia Sota

      • A small example with slow extraction with SPS
      • Very easy to get started with the documentation and examples
      • Xsuite is the new player in the zoo of simulation software

      Key Features

      • GPU support
      • Easy for time-dependent
      • Active community
      • Easy to combine with particle-matter software

      Benchmarking Test

      • Very simple SloEx sim with
        • MAD-X Thintrack
        • Xsuite direct import from MAD-X
        • Henontrack (linear transport + virtual sextupole)
      • Looking at small amplitude phase-space portait: very similar charachteristics
      • Separatrix arm: important for loss studies
      • Good agreement with Xsuite and MAD-X
      • Henontrack cannot reproduce amplitude detuning so some errors are expected
      • Great agreement with MAD-X and Xsuite when looking closer

      Transit Time

      • Important for time structure and spill quality studies
      • 100 particles simulated, plotted the time taken to leave the machine
      • Perfect agreement with Xsuite and MAD-X
      • Henontrack also performs well for small transit times

      Ripple Mockup study

      • Add a 50hz pertubation
      • Over 400 quads in the machine but can be trimmed together

      Conclusion and next Steps

      • Easy importing from MAD-X to Xsuite
      • Xsuite and MAD-X are in great agreement
      • Time-dependent parameters easily implemented
      • Looking at implementing pyCollimate


      • Slide 11: time dependent studies. Other parameters like RFKO can be handled similarly.
        • Longitudinal coordinates are accessible
        • Depending on what the change is - if it is a fast change, it is not equivalent
        • If it is a slow change, it is the same idea
        • A possibility to code it yourself, take voltage as a function of z
      • Do you have RF cavities that you can track longitudinally? Can you track outside the bucket?
        • Tracking can be done for a few turns outside the bucket
        • One possibility is to introduce a periodicity
        • These SloEx simulations were done debunched
      • RFKO: typically frequencies are lower, arrival time doesn’t matter, as a practical simplification
      • How many turns have we tried?
        • No real limitation
        • ~30 million have been done for LHC
      • Question: tracking on transfer lines?
        • Discussing this currently
        • Twiss can be given as initial conditions
        • Slowly getting there
        • Putting together a use-case would be useful for example
      • How do you know that after a million turns things are correct?
        • Check for symplectic response matrix
        • Maps are symplectic by construction
        • Compare to other codes (SixTrack)
        • Convergence checks by changing the number of slices
      • Is it possible to have a 3D field map?
        • We already have 2D time dependent map, implemented in a symplectic way
        • Ideas of 3D static map
    • 17:10 17:20
      Benchmarking Xtrack and MAD-X on SWAN 10m
      Speaker: Thomas Bass (University of London (GB))