14–16 Nov 2022
America/New_York timezone

Signatures and Detection Prospects for sub-GeV Dark Matter with Superfluid Helium

14 Nov 2022, 13:45



Yining You (University of Florida)


We explore the possibility of using superfluid helium for direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter (DM). We discuss the relevant phenomenology resulting from the scattering of an incident dark matter particle on a Helium nucleus. Rather than directly exciting quasi-particles, DM in this mass range will interact with a single He atom, triggering an atomic cascade which eventually also includes emission and thermalization of quasi-particles. We present in detail the analytical framework needed for modeling these processes and determining the resulting flux of quasi-particles. We propose a novel method for detecting this flux with modern force-sensitive devices, such as nanoelectro-mechanical system (NEMS) oscillators and derive the sensitivity projections for a generic sub-GeV DM detection experiment using such sensors.


Yining You (University of Florida) Jordan Smolinsky (UC Irvine) Wei Xue (University of Florida (US)) Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida (US)) Mr Keegan Gunther (University of Florida) Prof. Yoonseok Lee (University of Florida) Tarek Saab (University of Florida)

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