Session I
- Diallo Boye (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Session I
- Hooman Davoudiasl
In this talk, I will describe my efforts to understand the nature of the mysterious dark matter, using the assumption that dark matter is comprised of ultralight axions. From the optical to the X-ray and gamma-ray universe, astrophysics has a role to play in understanding the details of this major problem in particle physics. I will give some insight into how I am using a range of tools to get...
The detection of gravitational wave radiation by LIGO in 2015 opened a new window onto the cosmos, and we are just now beginning to peer out into the unknown. Since this radiation can propagate unhindered through even an optically-thick medium, gravitational waves will prove to be a powerful probe of the early universe, which currently remains shrouded behind the photon’s surface of last...
Abstract: I will give a high-level overview of recent advances om machine learning for high energy physics, including developments in neural network architectures (e.g., graphs, transformers, and equivariant networks), generative modeling, anomaly detection, and fast inference.
CURTAINs is a fully data driven technique for creating background templates for use in searches for new physics processes. We employ invertible neural networks to learn the transformation to map any data point from its value of the resonant variable (e.g., invariant mass) to another chosen value. This conditional transformation allows us to create a template in the signal window, by mapping...
In this work, the invisible Higgs sector was investigated, where Higgs bosons are produced via the vector boson fusion (VBF) process and subsequently decay into invisible particles. The hypothesis under consideration is that the Higgs boson might decay into a pair of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which are candidates for dark matter. The observed number of events are found to...
This paper presents the search for a new spin-1 boson in a four-lepton final state through the channel $H\rightarrow Z_dZ_d\rightarrow 4l$ where $Z_d$ is the new spin-1 boson, and $4\ell$ could be 4e 4$\mu$ or 2e2$\mu$. This analysis' mass range of the $Z_d$ probed lies between 15 - 60 GeV. We conducted this search using $pp$ collision data from the ATLAS detector corresponding to an...