Workshop on photo-induced and diffractive phenomena at Sonora, Mexico

Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US)), Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Javier Cobos-Martínez (Cinvestav-IPN), Lizardo Valencia Palomo (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Michael Murray (The University of Kansas (US))


Workshop focused on photo-induced phenomena that can be probed due to recent implementation of proton spectrometers and other forward detectors at the LHC that can discriminate exclusive or single diffractive events associated with especific productions such as upsilon or top quark pairs. Other diffractive phenomena such as odderon or glueball searches will also be discussed.


Lugar: Planta alta del Edificio 7F, Sala 5, Universidad de Sonora


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Hoja de Registro / Registration Form
  • Tuesday 29 November
    • 1
      Welcome and introduction
      Speaker: Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
    • UFSDs and applications in medicine and cosmic ray analyses
      Conveners: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US)), Florian Gautier (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
      • 2
        UFSDs and applications in medicine and cosmic ray analyses

        AGILE (Advanced enerGetic Ion eLectron tEle- scope) instrument is developed by the University of Kansas and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to characterize solar energetic particles and anomalous cosmic rays. AGILE aims at identifying a large variety of ions (H-Fe) in a wide energy range (1-100 MeV/nucl) in real-time using, for the first time in space, pulse shape discrimination. AGILE will be able to observe in-situ the fluxes of a large variety of particles in a wide energy range to advance our knowledge of the fundamental processes in the Universe. A first flying prototype will be launched on board a CubeSat in 2023. This talk presents the objectives of AGILE instrument mission and the design of the first flying prototype of AGILE adapted from high energy physics technologies. We also present the method used for particle discrimination and energy measurement and compare simulations to the results obtained from instruments tests in laboratory using radiation sources.

        Speaker: Florian Gautier (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)
    • Top quark production in heavy ion collisions
      Convener: Dr Georgios Krintiras (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 3
        top quark production in heavy ion collisions
        Speaker: Dr Georgios Krintiras (The University of Kansas (US))
    • coffee
    • Jet gap jets at NLO
      Convener: Federico Deganutti
      • 4
        Jet gap jets at NLO
        Speaker: Federico Deganutti
    • New scaling in elastic data
      Convener: Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
      • 5
        New scaling in elastic data
        Speaker: Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
    • Probing diffractive phenomena CT-CMS PPS spectrometer
      Convener: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 6
        Probing diffractive phenomena CT-CMS PPS spectrometer
        Speaker: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
    • Lunch
    • ttbar and upsilon photoproduction in ultraperipheral pPb events
      Convener: Luis Alcerro Alcerro (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 7
        ttbar and upsilon photoproduction in ultraperipheral pPb events
        Speaker: Luis Alcerro Alcerro (The University of Kansas (US))
    • The glue that holds everything together
      Convener: Michael Murray (The University of Kansas (US))
    • top quark photoproduction in pp collisions
      Convener: Antonio Cota Rodriguez (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
      • 8
        top quark photoproduction in pp collisions
        Speaker: Antonio Cota Rodriguez (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
    • coffee
    • Study of gamma gamma ZZ anomalous couplings
      Convener: Saray Arteaga Escatel (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 9
        Study of gamma gamma ZZ anomalous couplings
        Speaker: Saray Arteaga Escatel (The University of Kansas (US))
    • Jet gap jet results and interpretation
      Convener: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 10
        Jet gap jet results and interpretation
        Speaker: Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
    • Correlation in small systems
      Convener: Moises David Leon Coello (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
      • 11
        Correlation in small systems: Correlation in small systems
        Speaker: Moises David Leon Coello (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
  • Wednesday 30 November
    • New variables to study Mueller Navelet jets
      Convener: Mats Kampshoff (The University of Kansas (US))
      • 12
        New variables to study Mueller Navelet jets

        We present our Monte Carlo analysis of newly proposed
        observables in LL BFKL and NLO QCD. Their unexpected agreement at LHC
        energies sparks interest in future measurements.

        Speaker: Mats Kampshoff (The University of Kansas (US))
    • Non Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadron Physics
      Convener: Dr Javier Cobos-Martínez (Cinvestav-IPN)
      • 13
        Non Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and Hadron Physics
        Speaker: Dr Javier Cobos-Martínez (Cinvestav-IPN)
    • coffee
    • Experimental and Theory colaboracions / Sonora / Kansas
      Convener: Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
      • 14
        Experimental and Theory colaboracions / Sonora / Kansas
        Speaker: Cristian Baldenegro Barrera (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)
    • CMS discussion
    • Lunch