Current resources in the critical area in attached spreadsheet.
1) Y/N for CephFS move to the barn
2) There are currently several outstanding requests for capacity. We need to Y/N them. Cloud team estimate space for 20 4xcore VMs.
- 100 cores for Tomcat (
RQF2150308), including LBs
- 48 cores for CephFS mons in the barn (
The details of the Tomcat request is as follows
egroup - k8s cluster (1/2pod) + webservice?
Kitry - 1 app VM (application), VM (httpd) appserver/oracleforms11g/kitry_prod
Adams (Apex) - K8s cluster (4 pods), VM (httpd)
Foundation - K8s cluster (1 pod), VM (httpd)
phonebook - k8s cluster (1 pod)
Qualiac - 2 app VMs, VM (httpd) appserver/qualiac/qualiac_prod
EDH - k8s cluster (2 pods)
Baan/InfoLN - 2 app VMs, VM (httpd) appserver/baan/prod appserver/inforln/inforln_prod
SIR/LMS - 1 app VM, VM (httpd) appserver/lms/lms_prod
VM flavours:
Application VM - m2.2xlarge (8 cores)
apache VM - m2.large, 1 VM can be shared for all applications (4 cores)
to be discussed:
NFS from old IT-DB
day2 - efiles, payroll, OracleHR, Impact are deployed now as follows:
efiles, Impact - kubernetes
payroll - VMs
OracleHR - physical machines in physics area