22–29 Mar 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status of the NUCLEUS experiment

23 Mar 2023, 11:00


Giorgio Del Castello (Sapienza/INFN)


Coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) is a well-predicted Standard Model process only recently
observed for the first time. Its precise study could reveal non-standard neutrino properties and open a window
to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.
NUCLEUS is a CEvNS experiment conceived for the detection of neutrinos from nuclear reactors with
unprecedented precision at recoil energies below 100 eV. Thanks to the large cross-section of CEvNS, an ultra-
low threshold cryogenic detector of 10g of CaWO4 and Al2O3 crystals is sufficient to provide a detectable
neutrino interaction rate.
NUCLEUS will be installed between the two 4.25 GW reactor cores of the Chooz-B nuclear power plant in the
French Ardennes, which provide an anti-neutrino flux of 1.7 x 10^12 v/(s cm2). At present, the experiment is
under construction. The commissioning of the full apparatus is scheduled for 2023, and will them be moved to
the reactor site.

Primary author

Giorgio Del Castello (Sapienza/INFN)

Presentation materials