22–29 Mar 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

Reactor CEvNS constraints improve robustness of neutrino mass ordering determination

23 Mar 2023, 09:40


Julia Gehrlein (CERN)


In neutrino oscillation physics numerous exact degeneracies exist under the name LMA-Dark which make it impossible to determine the sign of the atmospheric mass splitting in oscillation experiments.
I will discuss how new data from the Dresden-II experiment completely removes the degeneracies in the $\nu_e$ sector for mediators down to the MeV scale at which point constraints from the early universe take over. While the LMA-Dark degeneracy is lifted in the $\nu_e$ sector, it can still be restored in the $\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_\tau$ sector or with very specific couplings to up and down quarks, and we speculate on a path forward.

Primary authors

Julia Gehrlein (CERN) Dr Peter Denton (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials