22–29 Mar 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

CEvNS with the nuBDX-DRIFT detector

24 Mar 2023, 11:10


Diego Aristizabal (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (USM))


The $\nu$BDX-DRIFT detector is a directional low-pressure TPC that uses carbon disulfide as target material, but is flexible enough to operate with other target materials such as carbon tetrafluoride or tetraethyllead. Using decay-in-flight neutrino fluxes at Fermilab (NuMI or LBNF), the $\nu$BDX-DRIFT detector offers a CEvNS program complementary to other CEvNS projects at the SNS, the ESS or those relying on reactor neutrino fluxes. In this talk I will discuss the different measurements that can be done as well as a recent analysis of the rock neutron background to which the detector will be subject to if operated at Fermilab.

Primary author

Diego Aristizabal (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (USM))

Presentation materials