22–29 Mar 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone

A fast, easily multiplexable, high Z cryogenic scintillator for γ tagging or veto in very low noise experiments

22 Mar 2023, 16:00


Matteo del Gallo Roccagiovine (Sapienza University of Rome)


By combining a BGO scintillator crystal, and a Kinetic Inductance Detector light readout, we can take advantage of the BGO's high density, high Z, high radiopurity, high light-yield at cryogenic temperatures and relatively fast timing, and combine it with a KID's fast response time, ease of readout, natural multiplexing and sub-0.1keV resolution, to obtain a fast sensor that is well suited to read out γs from the full 4π solid angle around the detector, with a low threshold and no dead layer. The combination of these factors makes this detector well suited for applications such as γ tagging and γ+μ veto, which rely on proximity to the detector, large solid angle coverage and a short readout time.

Primary author

Matteo del Gallo Roccagiovine (Sapienza University of Rome)

Presentation materials