12th meeting on HEMAC discussions





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Heiko Damerau
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    • 16:45 17:00
      First HOM power considerations 15m
      Speakers: Fabian Batsch (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:20
      Discussion 20m

      Few open points for follow-up:

      • Optimize losses in RCS chain for best overall performance, allowing different transmission in the two or three machines
        -> Prio 1, but difficult with lots of degrees of freedom: straight-forward only for constant acceleration

        • Difficulty of different magnets (ramp rate)
        • How to distribute total RF length over different machines? Minimization of overall total voltage.
      • Acceptable longitudinal emittance growth in the RCS chain and how to quantify it exactly?
        -> Prio 1: Needs figure from low-energy acceleration (low energy), longitudinal emittance for colliders as a starting point. Criteria also on how much bunch is distorted. What is acceptable bunch shape deviation in the collider?

      • Would two RCS be sufficient to accelerate from 60 GeV to 1.5 TeV? -> Prio 2: does not look very attractive

      • What are the consequences if we want to use the LHC as the last accelerator ring? -> Prio 1: check consequences, check Shiltsev proposal: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-0221/13/10/T10003

      • Cost functions per machine part: could one make an assumption for a cost per unit length of RF (plus some infrastructure cost offset per RF section), idem for unit length of magnets? -> Prio 2

      • Average gradient of RF sections: Prio 1: quickly done: 30 MV/m (conservative) 45 MV/m

      • How do define a reasonable synchronous phase? Prio 1: First start for constant acceleration, then real ramps

      • Transient beam loading and counter-rotating bunches and multi-turn effects (Prio 2)? Power in HOMs (Prio 1). -> - Can the ILC cavity (possibly in a modified form) be used for the muon RCS? -> Prio 1

      • Mauro Migliorati? Presently no code can do it.
      • David has impedance model for ILC cavities

      • Resistive wall impedance? -> Prio 1: David, contact with JPARC, collecting information; Luca will organize a dedicated meeting on 24th November: muon collider magnet working group

      • Is transition gamma of ~20 a good number for the first RCS stage? -> Prio 2: check various transition gammas and their impact -> David to present

      • FFA alternative for RCS?

      • Introduce chromaticity in transverse studies, do we need sextupoles? -> Prio 1

      • More detailed lattice model, beyond smooth approximation. -> Prio 2

    • 17:20 17:30
      Round table 10m
      Speakers: Alexej Grudiev (CERN), Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu), David Amorim (CERN), Elias Metral (CERN), Fabian Batsch (CERN), Heiko Damerau (CERN), Ivan Karpov (CERN)