Optimize losses in RCS chain for best overall performance, allowing different transmission in the two or three machines
-> Prio 1, but difficult with lots of degrees of freedom: straight-forward only for constant acceleration
- Difficulty of different magnets (ramp rate)
- How to distribute total RF length over different machines? Minimization of overall total voltage.
Acceptable longitudinal emittance growth in the RCS chain and how to quantify it exactly?
-> Prio 1: Needs figure from low-energy acceleration (low energy), longitudinal emittance for colliders as a starting point. Criteria also on how much bunch is distorted. What is acceptable bunch shape deviation in the collider?
Would two RCS be sufficient to accelerate from 60 GeV to 1.5 TeV? -> Prio 2: does not look very attractive
What are the consequences if we want to use the LHC as the last accelerator ring? -> Prio 1: check consequences, check Shiltsev proposal: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-0221/13/10/T10003
Cost functions per machine part: could one make an assumption for a cost per unit length of RF (plus some infrastructure cost offset per RF section), idem for unit length of magnets? -> Prio 2
Average gradient of RF sections: Prio 1: quickly done: 30 MV/m (conservative) 45 MV/m
How do define a reasonable synchronous phase? Prio 1: First start for constant acceleration, then real ramps
Transient beam loading and counter-rotating bunches and multi-turn effects (Prio 2)? Power in HOMs (Prio 1). -> - Can the ILC cavity (possibly in a modified form) be used for the muon RCS? -> Prio 1
- Mauro Migliorati? Presently no code can do it.
David has impedance model for ILC cavities
Resistive wall impedance? -> Prio 1: David, contact with JPARC, collecting information; Luca will organize a dedicated meeting on 24th November: muon collider magnet working group
Is transition gamma of ~20 a good number for the first RCS stage? -> Prio 2: check various transition gammas and their impact -> David to present
FFA alternative for RCS?
Introduce chromaticity in transverse studies, do we need sextupoles? -> Prio 1
More detailed lattice model, beyond smooth approximation. -> Prio 2