8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Gauged quintessence

8 May 2023, 14:30
Lawrence Hall 207

Lawrence Hall 207


Jiheon Lee (KAIST)


We introduce the gauged quintessence model, in which the dark energy field (quintessence) has a U(1) gauge symmetry. This is the first quintessence model under a gauge symmetry. We identify the real part of the complex scalar as the dark energy field (quintessence), while the imaginary part is the longitudinal component of a new gauge boson. It brings interesting characters to dark energy physics. The U(1) gauge boson can affect the quintessence dynamics, and the solicited dark energy properties can constrain the gauge coupling constant. While the uncoupled quintessence model severely suffers from the Hubble tension, the gauged quintessence might alleviate the situation.

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