8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Repurposing Precision SM Measurements to Constraint New Physics

8 May 2023, 15:45
Lawrence Hall 106

Lawrence Hall 106



Sagar Airen


We show how precision SM measurements can be repurposed to constraint certain types of new physics (NP) without invoking SMEFT. Motivated by highly precise measurement of W mass by the CDF collaboration, we demonstrate our proposal for the specific case of W mass data. W boson gives lepton + MET final state, which makes it special because it cannot be reconstructed completely. Any NP, which can give the same final state, can pollute W mass data. W mass is measured by fitting $p_T^l$, $M_T$ and $p_T^{miss}$ spectra, using templates calculated using SM. Any new contribution to the spectra can change the shapes. Hence, any deviations in the observed spectra from the expectation could give us a hint of NP. On the flip side, agreement between the measured shapes and the SM expectation can give constraints on NP. We consider multiple BSM scenarios that can creep into W data, find expected constraints and measure them against best existing bounds on the models we analyze.

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