8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Resolving CDF-$W$ mass shift and CKM unitarity puzzle in Left-Right Symmetric Models with Universal Seesaw

9 May 2023, 18:15
Lawrence Hall 205

Lawrence Hall 205



Ritu Dcruz (Oklahoma State University)


We explore the possibility of resolving the $W$ mass shift observed by the CDF collaboration and the apparent deviation from unitarity in the first row of the CKM matrix simultaneously in a class of left-right symmetric models with universal seesaw. A unique non-trivial solution to the two anomalies was obtained, where the down quark mixing with vector-like quarks~(VLQ) resolves the CKM unitarity problem, while top mixing with VLQ explains the positive shift in $W$ mass. This leads to testable predictions in the model.

Primary authors

Ks Babu (Oklahoma State University) Ritu Dcruz (Oklahoma State University)

Presentation materials