8–10 May 2023
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Neutrino masses and self-interacting dark matter in a Z-Z' mixing model

8 May 2023, 14:15
Lawrence Hall 107

Lawrence Hall 107


Leon Manuel Garcia de la Vega


In this talk we will discuss the possibility that a gauged U(1)' symmetry mediates dark matter self interactions. The breaking of this symmetry induces a Z-Z' mass mixing term, connecting the dark and visible sectors. After symmetry breaking of the U(1)', the fermion content of the dark sector is divided into right handed neutrinos and a stable dark matter candidate. We discuss the neutrino and dark matter phenomenology of this setup.

Primary authors

Eduardo Peinado (Instituto de Fisica UNAM) Prof. Jose Wudka (UC, Riverside) Leon Manuel Garcia de la Vega

Presentation materials