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*Priority: level 1 needed for 2 | |||
Red: how it is proposed to formalize/approve/arbitrate the outcome of the study item | |||
Green: action completed | |||
Study item | Related actions | Priority (1-2)* | Status |
2. Create tables with functional spec/requirements | A. Organize dedicated discussion with A. Chancé & B. Dalena to agree on alignment and stability booster requirements (on top of other booster considerations: length of magnets, etc.) | 1 | Ongoing, meeting organized on November 2nd |
B. Complete with information already existing on the collider / update them in dedicated accelerator pillar meeting on November 1st | 1 | Ongoing, meeting on November 1st | |
C. Add alignment scales as an alignment table parameter, link with Study Item 5 | 1 | Ongoing, meeting with Helene on November 4th | |
D. Document spec/requirements with references, ask help to the Advisors for this (experience on past studies & machines) | 2 | To start | |
E. Submit table(s) to Tor, Frank, Katsunobu, Antoine for approval | 2 | To start | |
3. Propose 2 robust horizontal & vertical booster/collider configurations (Ø5.5m tunnel) | A. Organize dedicated discussion with G. Peon to review cooling specifications to update (reduce…) pipe diameters (and relaunch with users about power capacity and acceptable deltaT’s) | 1 | Ongoing, Guillermo contacted, he is working at the minimization of the diameter; on top of that, Jeremie and Cedric/Roberto are reviewing their cooling requests. We start on the base of a D40cm pipe |
B. Space occupancy for alignment systems to be minimized taking into consideration innovation (e.g. structured laser beam) | 1 | Ongoing, starting on the principle of BBA with removal of mechanical alignment system after alignment (less space occupancy) | |
C. Optimize the design of booster support related to the vertical configuration, and calculate eigenfrequencies / ground motion amplification. If horizontal shift of booster beneficial, iterate with other WG coordinators for its feasibility | 1 | Ongoing, Callum prepared the design, Lucie performing calculations. Also, discussed in a meeting with booster responsible (B. Dalena, A. Chance) | |
D. Launch study with Fani of “3rd option configuration” with central corridor | 2 | Ongoing, launched with Fani. | |
E. Consider impacts on other aspects (e.g. radiation, activation, beam optics, BvsC horiz. order, etc.) | 2 | Ongoing, collected in the list of pros and cons | |
F. Once “robust” configurations are available, complete list of pro’s and con’s, and submit to -) 18/11/22 Advisors for feedback and recommended solution -) 25/11/22 Pillar Coordinators + M. Benedikt for evaluation / decision | 2 | List prepared, to be finalized | |
4. Girder vs individual support concept | A. Add quadrupole transfer function to the two solutions already calculated (girder & single supports); ideally, complete with transfer function between magnetic axis and beam axis + crosstalk between the two machines | 1 | Ongoing, Lucie working at this calculation |
B.If needed, increase the number of feet of the girders (4-6 feasible) to increase its stability (use of feet with wedges for alignment) | 2 | Part of action 4.A | |
C. Progress in the qualitative cost estimation (comparison between girder vs single support options), initially considering the cost of the equipment only | 1 | Ongoing, girder cost estimated, VSC contacted for flanges/bellows | |
D. Complete list of pro’s and con’s (consider also impedance budget, alignment duration, etc.) and: -) Week 45 arc half-cell regular meeting: discuss and come out with a preferred option -) 18/11/22: Present (with preferred option) to Advisors for validation | 2 | List prepared, to be finalized | |
5. Propose alignment strategy over different length scales | A. Organize dedicated discussion(s) with Helene and colleagues, Tor, Frank, Roberto to review state of the art and envisaged R&D (structured laser beam, alignment concepts, BBA) | 1 | Ongoing, several discussions and visits with Helene already organized |
B. If trim circuits judged to be needed, requirements to be communicated to TE/MSC for integration in the magnet design | 2 | It follows action 5.A | |
C. Organize dedicated discussion with M. Wendt for BPM space reservation / integration | 1 | Completed, discussed in mid-October and space reserved | |
6. Propose a 1st configuration of the half-cell mock-up | A. First proposal on main objectives and possible configuration from Federico, Lucie | 1 | Ongoing, moving from low to high energy considerations |
B. First iteration with Jeremie, Cedric, Manfred, Helene on the objectives and on the contributions in terms of prototypes | 2 | To start | |
C. Dedicated discussion at the arc-half cell internal meeting | 2 | To start | |
D. To be refined / confirmed at the end of the Phase I (or after) | 2 | To start |