Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) are the primary choice for the instrumentation of large area apparatus, with high detection efficiency in harsh environment, suitable for muon triggering and tracking at present and future accelerator facilities. They can indeed provide a precise standalone momentum measurement in combination with an inner tracking system. With the addition of a precise timing information (O(ns)) they allow control of uncorrelated background and then a mitigated pile-up. A big step in the direction of large-size applications and destructive spark suppression in hadron environments has been obtained with the consolidation and industrial cost-effective manufacturing of the micro-Resistive WELL (μ-RWELL) detectors [1]. This technology is envisaged to be used for the muon detection system of the LHCb experiment and as pre- shower and muon device of the apparatus at future high luminosity large leptonic colliders. The reduced impact in terms of material budget makes this technology suitable as a tracking device for the muon spectrometer upgrade of the CLAS12 experiment and as central tracker of X17 experiment at the n_TOF facility at CERN. In addition, the flexibility of the μ-RWELL base material allows the development of very light, full cylindrical fine tracking inner trackers at future high luminosity tau-charm factories, STCF in Russia and SCTF in China. With a proper choice of a cathode-converter, the technology has been exploited for neutron detection for the realization of Radiation Portal Monitor for homeland security and Environmental Monitoring for decommissioning of nuclear plants. The state of art of the μRWELL technology R&D will be presented focusing on both detector manufacturing and performance according to the different technological challenges required by the aforementioned experiments. [1] G. Bencivenni et al., The micro-Resistive WELL detector: a compact spark-protected single amplification-stage MPGD, JINST 10 (2015) P02008.