11–16 Dec 2022
Asia/Jerusalem timezone

3D track reconstruction of low-energy electrons in the MIGDAL low pressure optical time projection chamber

15 Dec 2022, 16:20


Ms Elizabeth Tilly (University of New Mexico)


We will demonstrate three-dimensional track reconstruction of electrons in a low pressure (50 Torr) optical TPC consisting of two glass GEMs with an ITO strip readout in CF4 and CF4/Ar mixtures. These reconstructed tracks show a variety of event topologies, including short tracks from photoelectrons induced by 55Fe 5.9 keV X-rays and long tracks from gamma ray interactions and beta decays. Algorithms for event identification and track ridge detection will be discussed as well as multiple methods for integrating information from the camera image and ITO waveforms with the goal of full 3D reconstruction of the track. We will also discuss challenges faced in the reconstruction of complex track topologies and how to mitigate these in producing accurate results.

Presentation materials