A GridPix detector is made of a highly pixelized readout ASIC combined with a Micromegas as a gas amplification stage. The later one is realized by photolithographic postprocessing, which allows for a high precision and good alignment of each Micromegas hole with a readout pixel. Because of this arrangement, the charge signal of a primary electron can be detected separately leading to an...
Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) are the primary choice for the instrumentation of large area apparatus, with high detection efficiency in harsh environment, suitable for muon triggering and tracking at present and future accelerator facilities. They can indeed provide a precise standalone momentum measurement in combination with an inner tracking system. With the addition of a precise...
Many novel structures of the micro-pattern gaseous detector (MPGD) have been developed to adapt to different application needs since the advent of the MPGD technology. In this report we present a new MPGD structure and its preliminary test results. The new structure consists of an array of grooves, with an anode micro-strip placed at the bottom of each groove, and metal plated on the...