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Postgres@CERN - PostgreSQL Meetup at CERN - January 13th

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map

January 13th, 2023 afternoon (13:30-18:00)
PostgreSQL Meetup at CERN (Geneva)


Hosted by CERN


Organized by:
Andrzej Nowicki, Sebastien Masson, Franck Pachot and Fabrice Chapuis


Sponsored by:

Data Bene



Webcast will be available at:

You can ask questions remotely using limesurvey:

You don't need to register to join via webcast.


Speakers - Talks:

  • Cédric Villemain - Citus Data: The database distributed without complex
  • Julia Gugel - Patroni + pgBackRest: Hero + Hero = Superhero?
  • Chris Engelbert - PostgreSQL: The Time-Series Database You Actually Want
  • Franck Pachot - YugabyteDB: Distributed SQL Open-Source PostgreSQL-compatible 

Location: Building 503 Room 1-001 (conference room B known as Council Chamber). Access to CERN: Tram 18 from Geneva Cointrin train station, Bus 10 + Tram 18 from Geneva Airport. Car park near CERN Globe.

From CERN reception, downstairs behind the tripod turnstile, follow "Auditorium" signs in the corridors, and when in the auditorium hall, we are in conference room B


This website is provided by Indico - an open-source event management system developed at CERN with Python and PostgreSQL.

There is a live webcast for this event
    • 13:30
      Arrival at CERN reception
    • 1
    • 2
      Citus Data: The database distributed without complex

      Interested in the issues of High Availability and Quality of Service, he contributes to the various projects he uses and promotes.
      Citus Data is an extension of PostgreSQL that extends this famous relational database server to design distributed databases.
      Distributed calculations, multi-tenant with isolated customers, resharding without downtime, ...
      If this already sounds familiar, you'll learn more. And if not, you will finally know what a multi-tenant architecture is... And how easy sharding is!

      Speaker: Cédric Villemain (Data Bene)
    • 15:20
    • 3
      Patroni + pgBackRest : Hero + Hero = Superhero?

      The first hero gives you high availability and reliability. The second hero gives you disaster recovery and recovery from human errors. What happens if we combine those heroes to get a kind of superhero?
      We're talking about Patroni and pgBackRest here: Can/will they integrate? We'll see that live, reproducible for you with easy step by step instructions.

      Speaker: Julia Gugel (DBI Services)
    • 16:30
    • 4
      PostgreSQL: The Time-Series Database You Actually Want

      Time-series data, or data being associated with its respective time of occurrence, is everywhere. From the obvious cases, such as metrics, observability, IoT data, all the way to logs, invoicing, or payment records.

      While storing some of these in relational databases is standard practice, people often reach for specific time-series databases when volume gets high. But imagine if you could have all of them in the same database: PostgreSQL.

      Join me for this session to learn more about the different types of time-series data and have a look at the naive, the native, and the scalable approaches to storing it in PostgreSQL. We’ll contrast their usability and performance characteristics and show you why Postgres is the only database you need!

      Speaker: Chris Engelbert (Timescale)
    • 5
      YugabyteDB: Distributed SQL Open-Source PostgreSQL-compatible

      A short introduction to Distributed SQL databases, to scale-out OLTP with cloud-native High Availability, Elasticity, and geo-distribution

      Speaker: Franck Pachot (Yugabyte)
    • 18:00