11 March 2023
ETH Zurich ONA
Europe/Zurich timezone
Recorded presentations are online: https://video.ethz.ch/events/2023/daylight.html

Discussion, questions and answers

11 Mar 2023, 16:15
Fokushalle (ETH Zurich ONA)


ETH Zurich ONA

Neunbrunnenstrasse 50 8093 Zurich Switzerland


Dr Chamilothori, Kynthia (Eindhoven University of Technology, Human-Technology Interaction)Mr Müller, Robert (Bartenbach)Prof. Klumpner, Hubert (ETH Zürich Chair of Architecture and Urban Design)Prof. Schlüter, Arno (ETH Zürich Chair of Architecture and Building Systems) Walczak, MichaelDr Grobe, Lars Oliver

Presentation materials

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