CTA Dev Meeting

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Michael Davis (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:10
      CTA Release Workflow 10m
    • 15:10 15:20
      CTA Release Roadmap 10m

      See CTA Release Roadmap

      Release 4.7.14-1

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: 16 Nov
      • Pre-prod deployment date: 16 Nov
      • Prod deployment date: 24 Nov
      • NOTE: Fixes bug with HOME #209

      Release 4.8.0-1

      • Milestones link
      • Release date: TBD
      • Pre-prod deployment date: TBD
      • Prod deployment date: TBD
      • v4.8.0-0.rc5 has been released on top of v4.7.14-1 - deployed to pre-prod on 24 Nov

      Public Release

      • Latest version available on public repo: v4.7.14-1, v5.7.14-1 (any issue in our prod deployment?)

      Release 4.7.14-1

      • Everything looks ok on the prod deployment, except for verification (which is deactivated, so has no impact).
      • These issues with verification will need to be evaluated, but can be done it parallel with future releases (see #223 and #224)

      Release 4.8.0-1

      • Vlado will need to do some tests before we release, but we have the consensus to move on.
      • It would be very desirable to release this before Christmas (in the space of 2 weeks), so that it can be used and evaluated during that period.
      • We will merge the branch to main (squashed) before releasing.



    • 15:20 15:30
      CTA dev topics 10m

      Rotate files hourly

      • Some instanced generate a massive amount of logs (ex. 500GB over 12 hours). We need a way to control this.
      • Ops issue discussion on #ops-921

      REPACKING tape state and queue cleanup

      • Testing of release candidate version v4.8.0-0.rc5. Feedback will go on: #83

      Testing encryption key ID changes in tape server code

      • Do test release? #139

      Update mhvtl in the CI gitlab and CTA repo

      • Discuss how the update will be done: #177

      "Needs discussion" topics

      "Dev issue needed" topics

      Too many issued CTA and EOS-CTA logs

      • Dev ticket #225 was created to evaluated what we can do on the CTA side to control the frequency of these logs.

      Testing encryption key ID changes in tape server code

      • Manual tests will be done after the 4.8.0 is deployed. These tests will require a while to complete.

      Update mhvtl in the CI gitlab and CTA repo

      • Jorge and Julien will create a new CI runner to test the usage of the new MHVTL package. A dev ticket will be created for this.

      Fix on EOS 4.8.94

      • The reason for the bug has been found on [#205](https://gitlab.cern.ch/cta/CTA/-/issues/205). We should work with the EOS team to see if the fix can be released quickly.
    • 15:30 15:40
      CTA dev board review 10m


      • Look at the active issues in our CTA dev board.
      • Decide if they should be kept, removed, reassigned, prioritised, etc.

      Review "In progress" issues

      • Full CTA board: link

      Review specific topic

    • 15:40 15:50
      AOB 10m


      • Room 513/R-068 is booked every week, until the EOY, for the CTA dev meeting.